Leading up to the release of Spider-Man for PS4, Mike Matei takes a look at many Spider-Man games from the past. Focusing mainly on games beyond the snes era. Thanks to phenomenal1spiderman for usage of Ult Spiderman footage!
I know there are many more Spider-man related games that were not covered here, such as maximum carnage, the Spider-man arcade game and so on. The point of this video was to look at the 3D environment spider-man games, since the next game coming in 2018 will be in that style.
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I really like this kind of review! Really nice history telling and great find of footage. I'd like to see more like this <3
3D games? Man theres like 15 spiderman games in 3D
2018 Spider-Man is the best Spider-Man.
Man I never played the spider man games on ps1
I wish the cheat section of Spider man would’ve been talked about. If you put in swear words into the cheats area Spider man would say and do various things, all of which were funny.
I think the dark stories and undertones of 80s and 90s batman is my favorite.
I loved arkham a sane place for sane people but spider has a much bigger rogue gallery.
I always invision the punisher as a bad guy in the batman universe.
Dude, could you do a favor and scan the game manual? Spiderman 1 and 2 is that it is very difficult to get, I would greatly appreciate it
Don't forget Spider-Man 2000 was on PC and Dreamcast
man i loved all these games but spider man 2 the movie game was amazing i would webswing for hours on end
It's the happy video game nerd
Web of shadows is amazing. It's combat system is deep and a blast to use.
Here For Webs Of Shadows ❤️🏆
Rip stan lee
Spiderman freind or foe is the worst
Wtf…i played a spiderman 2, veeery different of that one…it was basically the story of spider man 2 movie.
Don't know why but whenever Mike reviews a game its like music to my ears….
I love Spider Man. I HATE Peter Parker. I want my super heroes to be competent and masculine, not hormonal and juvenile.
No one ever talks about Spider-Man 3 on the PS2. That version is way better than the PS3 version, IMO.
I think the newest Spiderman game is like Spider-Man 2 for this generation of systems.
My favorites are Spider-Man (2000), Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, Spider-Man (2002): The Movie Game, and Spider-Man 3. Spider-Man 3 is very underrated imo. Just like the movie. I grew up with the PS2 version. I used to not like Spider-Man 2. Yes, I know! I don't know why. I just didn't. I do now though.
This was my 2nd game I played as a kid and demolition racer
Dude, shattered dimensions and edge of time where my FAVORITE
I played the shit out of them, seeing those again made me have nostalgia
I actually enjoyed Amazing Spider-man 2 the game, I just wish Electro was used more
Oh hey PS1 Spider-Man 1 and Spider-Man 2 my childhood
Spiderman 2 Enter Electro was the Spiderman game I played most as a kid
Spider man 2000 was also released on the dreamcast.
So many Spiderman games and only a few are actually good
1:12 also for the Dreamcast
Stan Lee was not the only creator
I really love how purple Venom was in Ultimate Spider-Man
I really like Shattered dimensions and amazing spiderman games
I know I'm late to the video but I had a ps1 demo disk with Enter Electro on it and I can't even recall how many time's I replayed it.
This is still one of your best videos, Mike.
Spider-Man 64 was fucking awesome
Ultimate Spider-Man was my favorite, because of the graphic style, the fact that you could play as Venom, and the swinging.
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