Tartarus Engine – Industrial Espionage Sci-Fi Horror Set Inside a Digital Prison For Peoples’ Minds!
Tartarus Engine is available now as part of the Unsorted Horror collection: https://www.freegameplanet.com/unsorted-horror-downloadable-game/
#TartarusEngine #UnsortedHorror
This is a new game from Mike Klubnika (creator of Infineural, Unsorted VHS, Control Room Alpha, Concrete Tremor and Carbon Steel). This game is part of a horror game anthology (Unsorted Horror) that features some of those previously released games, all set in a dark industrial Sci-Fi universe.
so this is what it will feel like to fuck up an iteration in neuralink, neat
Now imagine that the program layer counter overflowed and the process was killed in the middle with a complete loss of data
5:17 That's something straight out of Half Life 2.
This shook me to my Existencial core
Im more scared of these existential questioning type games that actual horror games
This game is a masterpiece.
"I forgot to disable the…"
Me: "Oh you ****ing idiot!"
5:36 I'm wondering what happens if the player doesn't make it back before midnight?
The graphics and enviroment are creepy as amusing, feels like inside the citadel from Half Life 3, i mean, 2…
9:26 I genuinely just want a repeat of the typing audio and animation here, I like watching and listening to it honestly
2:15 yo is that the prime minister of spain wtf
I remember "Tartarus" means hell, so the player is managing a hell engine
Digital prison I never imagine like this idea is exist
Bobert why did you do that?
“How many layer deep are we?”
Well I have a better question how many layers are there in the first place ETHAN??
They would've get their shit saved if they had more than 5 engineers.
If you like the idea of a simulated digital Hell/prison, you might enjoy the book "Surface Detail" by Iain M. Banks.
Those guys we'll be trapped like that for all eternity, that is scary.
I think this game is a friendly reminder to put an exit condition first when we want to recurse on something.
Soma 2
the dangers of copy pasting from stack overflow
Cool premise, lame ending.
Would've worked better as a short story than an actual, interactive work of fiction.
Nice to see V1’s voice actor getting to work on other games outside of Ultrakill.
at least with the potatoes there was a finite count
One milion potatos damn that is harsh
Youtube: half-life
I'd use that TTS voice for V1 from Ultrakill tbh. Because i watched too many meme videos of it with that TTS that it's just engraved in my mind. Good video anyway.
I really wonder if the code he found basically compromises an exploit in the real world code that allows them to exit all other “computer simulations” and into the REAL REAL world
This genius alternative history cyberpunk universe needs to be made into a longer game or feature length movie. Unlike Inception the mechanics of its "Matrix" make sense and could even be a reality one day.
Psychological horror > jumpscare simulator
PS1 game mush hire Mike Klubnika….this is so cool and retro era!!
That ending is a very effective scare. The digital equivalent of being encased in concrete
Look like We are leaving the era where 8-16 bits for low polygon
Ah, this game's a documentary, right.
you know given how risky this was you’d think this guy would have double checked to make sure the automatic was on
gotta love the universal constant of disaster being a mere “oops” away
Jesus christ, beautifully done. Horrifying concept
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