Let’s break down the Star Wars Deckbuilding Game : Clone Wars Edition.
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This looks great. I loved the Bounty Hunters in the original game, but this looks like it will really expand on those. I’m curious if you just added both Neutrals and add them with two main factions. Also curious how the team format works with this one.
I like the SW deck building game, but was kind of disappointed there was no Yoda. Then I heard CW was coming out and thought now there will be a cool Yoda as he fought in these movies. And yet, I’ve seen no Yoda card, is there still no Yoda?
I liked the first one, appreciate your thoughts on this one
Glad you’re giving a positive review, I picked this up at my FLGS when I stopped by to see if they’re getting Star Trek Star Realms. Don’t worry, I’ve changed my notifications to receive all notifications now!
Sadly, deck building games and I are not friends…..
Did you play shards of inifnity, what did you think if so? Thanks
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I heard rumors that this expansion allows for a 4 player game if you have both versions. Did the rules in the expansion cover anything about that?
Oh man, the damage cubes are so small.
Do you cover star realms? Or is it still out? Also, the sw deckbuilding game is very fun. Theme wise I like clone wars more than original.
surprised this came out before an expansion for the original.
Thank you for the review. Nice to hear that you prefer Star Realms as I already own it.
I'd like to see a star wars legion battle report video where you explain how to play for a beginner like me
Looking forward to this! Don’t have the original so I may skip it now!
Looks great. Looking forward to mix and match it with the original game.
This is definitely one I will be picking up! The original is great, I even got my 16 year old daughter to try it, and she whooped me first try! 😂
So easy to learn, and also, Fantasy Flight always listens to the players and makes improvements without being yelled at, lol.
Loved the first edition of the game.
I hope for another release.
I love that this is more simplified. I definitely suffer from the analysis, paralysis and coming off of heavier games. Something like this is a nice change of pace for me. Played my first game of it this weekend. It was fun.
Thank you for the preview and your thoughts on it! Can't wait to finally play it! I already plan to play this together with the civil war deckbuilder as a 2 vs 2 game.
Ordered mine last week.
I just found my first Christmas present to myself
My copy is on the way!
Does it also have boosters?
Will have to pick this one up soon.
Looks cool. I still cringe whenever I see the new “sanitized” name “Fett’s Firespray”, though.
Looks great! Thanks for the review!
Definitely gonna pick this one up. Missed opportunity to not put in an official solo mode. The leader fan made solo mode is really well done, and looks like it will still work in this version.
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