It’s long been expected, but Xbox is officially stampeding in their new direction if Opening Night Live 2024 was anything to go by.
Retro Rebound:
#Xbox #IndianaJones #Gaming
i embrace the future of game pass on any device i built my pc and ditched xbox consoles.
- No more physical DVDs : All digital
- No more consoles : All in the cloud so you can play on your phone or your smart TV. All you need is a good internet connection
- No more buying games one at a time : Subscription model (like Netflix)
So in that mindset, if it costs you hundreds of millions of dollars to make one game, why would you sell it only on one device? It's like Goodyear sold tires only for Toyota lol
Xbox (Microsoft) is already positioning themselves for the next console generation with their growing Game Pass catalog, after that, I don't even think there will be a console and guess what Microsoft has in store for that : it's called Azure, maybe you heard of it lol
Plus, buying Activision ain't cheap : Gotta make that money back!
I used to think that Xbox's strategy dropping exclusivity doesn't make any sense, but having seen their latest showcase, with all the good games coming day one on Game Pass, with all the talented studios they've acquired, and with Azure for the future, damn! I think that in the long run, Sony and Nintendo are in trouble
Starfield has a major malfunction.... Dead silence
But about Indy this game is 20 yrs too late Indy would have been cool to pay as then u don't wait 20 yrs and expect Indy fans to come out of the wood work that fanbase grew up...
Plus who really cares for Indy now?
King Trash tried to tell yall.
And they both tried to push the Next Best Thing 10 million plus people will play for half a decade and failed miserably, because you can't really design specifically for that. And maybe now they'll both just go 'eh fuck it', and imo, good. Xbox was kinda tired of being the abused stepson and is dropping out of console war bullshit, but microsoft's still investing in video games - dev, specifically.
Maybe sony will relax and make some good shit, rather than 'this will sell ps5's'. Xbox has been a touch spotty, but there was shit i wanted. I LITERALLY only got a ps5 because my ps4 died... I've had it for almost 4 months, three ps5 games - ff16 and rift apart, and elden ring on sale, which was a mistake, i'm burned out on soulsbourne stuff AND open words...
And iknow it's subjective, and covid fucked the whole gen start, but fuck me, not even a handful of games in like 5 years?
Second... People weren't going to be rushing back to starfield day 1 of a dlc anyway. Let it sit for a bit, get people's responses, get patched, maybe even wait for more mods. This isn't a top tier dlc from a top tier game people are super hyped for, exactly.
October has more competition for sure, but, it's not ready, and not good enough maybe to capture tons of interest in early sept.
As long as great games are coming to gamepass day one.
Really ask yourself why u care about another person getting to enjoy a vg. A vg that they still have to pay 70+ for btw
Xbox will release mostly games from their recent acquisitions like zenimax, activision ect ect, until they get their profit back from that 90 billion investment, they are buying themselves favors in order to acquire more studios in the future and be safe from accusation from the FTC.
Next xbox will launch with a bunch of real exclusives the mark the beginning of the new xbox
Xbox will never leave the console market as long as Sony is in it, that's the main reason Bill gates got into consoles, it was to cut a future monopoly of Sony on gaming. And this hasn't changed.
fck you xbox fanboys
should have gone multiplatform
Thats actually why I think exclusives are and will always be a good thing for gaming in general even tho as a consumer it can be frustrating.
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