Tales From Tech Support – But, we’re Catholic!

***When the client brings their religion into the equation.. for no reason.

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Tales From Tech Support – But, we’re Catholic!

** The Malicious Compliance video I spoke about https://youtu.be/8Bm0zVOMyaM

Today’s stories are from the subreddit r/talesfromtechsupport
#talesfromtechsuport #unclereddit #funnyredditstories

Tales From Tech Support Stories

Welcome to r slash tales from tech support! Where we get to have a little chuckle at the technically (technologically) disadvantaged! (like me!) Today, I went digging into some really good r/talesfromtechsupport stories. Enjoy!

We narrate Funny (or at least ironic) Reddit Stories about Tales From Tech Support as well as other funny Reddit topics! Be sure to scroll down to check out some of our other playlists!

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Uncle Reddit Playlists
r/IDontWorkHereLady – https://bit.ly/3c3Q7eS

r/maliciouscompliance- https://bit.ly/2SZOkA0

r/choosingbeggars- https://bit.ly/2Vs8V1r

r/entitledparents- https://bit.ly/2vldlMZ

r/talesfromtechsupport- https://bit.ly/3ccDH4D

r/prorevenge- https://bit.ly/2utOeam

r/entitledpeople – https://bit.ly/39a23de
Some of my favorite Reddit YouTubers!
*** rslash- https://bit.ly/32jQ0rf
***StoryTime- https://bit.ly/37YGJ9m
*** /start- https://bit.ly/3a25ov5
*** Dark Fluff- https://bit.ly/38SlZRD
*** Mr Reddit- https://bit.ly/2PyoWzt
These channels (and a few more) have been the inspiration to start my own channel! Love these guys!
I’m locked out of the only thing! https://tinyurl.com/5bhvcka4
Encyclopædia Moronica: P is for Priorities https://tinyurl.com/2p8t3pv4

Disclaimer: All media, including but not limited to images and video, of persons in this video are for dramatization and creative use only and are not representative of the individuals, events, and happenings that are told in the #stories.

These stories are transformative dramatized retellings based on original stories shared by anonymous individuals from various Reddit.com subreddits and the subreddit r/talesfromtechsupport (as well as some stories plucked from the web) and do not relate to any known individual by Uncle Reddit or any associate of Uncle Reddit.

Tales From Tech Support – But, we’re Catholic!


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@isettech October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
A couple of solutions for the timer.
1 RFID. Proximity sensors are used to unlock workstations.
Barcodes. Use a barcode reader to scan a tag with your barcode. Put the barcode on the back of your ID badge without clear text on it. Use a badge holder that either can not flip over, or add a 2nd card behind the badge, such as the phone tree of numbers.
@JBMVoid October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
No wonder why huge companies getting social engineering, hack so easily. Dumb ass people are working on it
@danconcep October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
I have to block my screen manually everytime I get away from my screen. OMG!!
@lucy9698 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
For the medical log-out story: honestly even a 10-minute window for screen lock is ridiculous. 2 minutes is just insane! I understand the need for it, but those people's complaints were absolutely valid. Most of the time people don't leave their workstations, they just don't touch the mouse, so a larger time-out window should have been no problem at all.
@GummyBearWA October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Here for the beard.
@Superbus753 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Poisonous snake? Are you worried you accidentally eat one?
@Gaspode-uj8jt October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
There are no poisonous snakes!
Venomous snakes however do exist.
@rosiefay7283 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
If an inactivity timer ever cuts in, the timeout is too low. There are any number of reasons why an employee might legitimately not touch keyboard or mouse for a minute or two, e.g. they're reading something on screen; they're working with some physical document as well as the computer, they're taking a phone call, . . .
@stilltoomanyhats October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
"Sorry, we had the install wizard burned at the stake"
@driftonAloft October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
worked tech support for xbox during the 360 era for a while the number of people who would call in complaining their xbox wasn't working while trying to run it inside box would blow your mind (the box was meant to keep it safe and just over heated it)
@MrAranton October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
I work in electronics manufacturing and „inactivity“ timers are the bane of my existence. I have PC at my workplace because of traceability requirements. When I build a device, I need to scan it‘s compnents into the computer and then procede to solder, screw or glue them together. The problem: if I take more than two minutes to do that the computer locks and the tracing software creates an error code that needs to be cleared by my boss before I can continue my work. Out of the assembly tasks about 30% can reasonably be done within two minutes, the other 70% take more time. But rather than changing or getting rid of the inactivity timer we were given contraptions that move the mouse every 45 seconds…
@cajun70122 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
About the snake story - those brown snakes are EXTREMELY poisonous - he is very lucky he did not get bitten.
@dontmindbeingblindd October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
pi hole is kind of like a network tool to block adds and limit usage of sights. I don't know a lot about it, I might check it out.
@Fan_Ronaldo_SIUU October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Im catholic Amen❤❤
@russellwehnau7308 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
The inactivity timer sucks. My job is working a case and part of that is writing reports. Well the inactivity timer always gets me when I am working a case or researching info for a case. Constantly having to check the timer, it does not take trying in a field or mouse movement in to account. Grr.
@THINKMACHINE October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
If I could grow a beard out long like that, if anyone complained about it my only response would be to find as many tiny figurines of critters or stuffed animals as I can to 'hide' in it.
@kens-jr2vv October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Just change the Windows login to a 4 number PIN instead of a password.
@TheWombat585 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Fun fact hognose snakes actually are venomus but they put out venom through rear fangs and "chew" it into the prey and are more likely to play dead or bluff stike you and their venom only real causes a itch to humans so they are mistaken as non venomus. Fun facts from a hognose owner
@wolcek October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
The snakes are venomous, if anything. Unless you want to eat one; then they might be poisonous, too.
@liammurphy2725 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Yeh...you're right... I stuck around that long so here's my sub.
@wolvesleather October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
I think the people at the catholic school don’t know what IT stands for. I think they’re mistaking it for lgbt.
@cerberaodollam October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
My computer came out of the box with an inactivity timer, so every time I go to the bathroom I have to enter my PIN. Got used to it pretty quickly. If that's the only inconvenience in your life, learn to be grateful.
@JV-pu8kx October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
For the medical facilities: a card reader can replace the login screen. Just about everyone in medicine has to have ID badges, use a magnetic stripe, NFC chip, etc., the card can be attached to a retractable lanyard, keychain, or similar. They are probably already used to access certain parts of the building, anyway.
@JV-pu8kx October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
Black snakes are the only ones I've ever encountered.
@xlerb2286 October 3, 2024 - 3:16 am
I worked for a company that did specialized document access software that among other industries was used by hospitals and other medical facilities. Doctors all in all are the worst group I've ever seen for not caring about security if it adds any inconvenience at all. Part of it is they are dang busy. Even a modest additional overhead is perceived as an issue when you use the computer once every, say, 15 minutes and have to log in each time and you've got a big long list of important things you need to do before you go off shift. Adding the ability to unlock the machine with a biometric device pretty much solved that problem. Though this was a long time ago and biometric devices weren't so great back then so not sure just how secure it was. Latent prints were still an issue and most devices were set to strongly favor false positives (matching a print when it shouldn't) instead of false negatives (not matching a print when they should).

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