Who knew that in 1987, Casio produced a watch that could: accurately monitor your hear rate, tell you what the percentage of your heart rate is compared to your target training heart rate, and have one of the most useful jogging spilt time monitors for those who like wasting their time running for no good reason!
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#casio #casiowatch #Casiofitness
that time when casio used to make great watches. now they all are like a brick. you do not even have to go to the gym to get your workout. they all are so damn big an heavy. quality was better too. how is it that this lcd is still working ok and now you get a dark spot in the middle after 1yr. let's not forget the bands that rot after 8 months.
cool watch
This reminds me of those 90's aerobics classes with colorful neon clothes, wild hair and sweatbands! The technology is wild for the time! You are right man! Casio sure dont make them like this anymore! Try cleaning the contacts with some alcohol. Might help with that key! Awesome watch man and a great find!!! Take care and God bless you Bro! 💪💪
James 5:16
"…for the prayer of a righteous man availeth much…"
Never knew such a watch even existed from casio before , thanks for reviewing a vintage watch from casio , definitely a rare one to see these days . Casio was really ahead of time back then with such innovation into their watch.
Great review my dad had one I remember it well all the best
What a beautiful classic! Seems the vintage Casio bug caught you good uh😂? Thanks for this video!
Holy smokes. Another classic winner. It’s amazing what Casio was doing so long ago. Thanks for showing it us. I guess they figured you would be working out during the day and wouldn’t need a light?🤷🏻♂️
Real ideal freaking review 🦅🦅🦅🦅
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