Home EntertainmentMusic 5 World HERITAGE sites THREATENED by CLIMATE CHANGE | Google Arts & Culture

5 World HERITAGE sites THREATENED by CLIMATE CHANGE | Google Arts & Culture

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Learn about 5 historical sites that are threatened by climate change. A story narrated by @LexieLimitless

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Credits :
Two Moai Looking Out Over Rapa Nui I CyArk
Exterior of the Great Mosque in Kilwa Kisiwani I CyArk
Chunakhola Mosque in Bagerhat I CyArk
Huaca de la Luna, Chan Chan I CyArk
Entrance to Edinburgh Castle I CyArk
World Map, 5 heritage sites I CyArk
Ahu Nau Nau on the Beach of Anakena in Rapa Nui I CyArk
Rapa Nui shore erosion I CyArk
Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani Overlooking the Water I CyArk
Map of Kilwa Kisiwani from 1638 I CyArk
Gereza Fort in Kilwa Kisiwani I CyArk I CyArk
Ruins of Arches in the Great Mosque in Kilwa Kisiwani I CyArk
Working on a Boat in Kilwa Kisiwani I CyArk
Kilwa Kisiwani infographic rising sea levels I CyArk
Kilwa Kisiwani infographic increased wave action I CyArk
Wave action at Kilwa Kisiwani I CyArk
Bagerhat Visitors I CyArk
Floating through Bagerhat I CyArk
Bagerhat reservoir I CyArk
Crops in Bagerhat I CyArk
Bagerhat rising ground water I CyArk
Bagerhat efflorescence I CyArk
Prof. Mahfuz Ud. Darain showing efflorescence in the wall I CyArk
Bagerhat Mosque I CyArk
Aerial image of Chan Chan I CyArk
Chan Chan I CyArk
Chan Chan infographic rainfall I CyArk
Chan Chan – torrential rains I CyArk
Chan Chan infographic erosion I CyArk
Replica of deity at Chan Chanv I CyArk
Chan Chan landscape I CyArk
Edinburgh Castle from the Bottom of the hill I CyArk
Edinburgh infographic increased rainfall I CyArk
The Historic Edinburgh Castle I CyArk
Edinburgh infographic cliff erosion I CyArk
Terrestrial Photogrammetry of a Moai in Rapa Nui I CyArk
Laser Scan of the Arches in Kilwa Kisinawi’s Great Mosque I CyArk
Laser scanning at Chan Chan I CyArk
Stabilizing a Ladder in Bagerhat I CyArk
interview Edinburgh I CyArk
The Return of Mary Queen of Scots to Edinburgh I James Drummond I Scottish National Gallery
Death of the Darling I Nick Moir I Head On Foundation
“Floods affect people, a house almost submerged, family members on the roof and in a small coracle” I “Moniruzzaman Sazal / Climate Visual Countdown I United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26
“In the Afgan city of Bamiyan, young girls are caught by a sandstorm on their way to school” I Solmaz Daryani I United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26
“A child wiping his eyes, health risks of living in polluted toxic waste around coal mines” I “Supratim Bhattacharjee / Climate Visual Countdown” I United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26
“The Conservation Volunteers at Skelton Grange Environment Centre, Leeds” I The Conservation I United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26Volunteers
1874 I LIFE
Climate Adaptation Plan I The Index Project
Mackenzie Bay, Antarctica I GSFC I NASA
Taj Mahal, Agra, India I Fondazione Gianfranco Ferré
Santa Cruz, Galapagos Island Diorama I Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Macchu Picchu I The Hopper / IC / Sibinacocha Collaborative
Mangrive planting. Gazi Bay, Kenya I UNEP / Will Baxter I The United Nations
“Otrivin Air Bubble: a Playground powered by solar energy and children’s interaction” I Maja WirkusI United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26

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