nikki vision refernece
0:00 114 – 101
1:14 100 – 81
3:00 80 – 61
4:47 60 – 41
6:28 40 – 21
8:10 20 – 11
9:04 10 – 1
I cant believe that the least heard gorillaz song (12D3) still has more views than 60 of blur songs
Birthday, I'm Just a Killer for Your Love and ESSEX DOGS deserve to be way higher
entertain me needs to be on a higher position
I am probably the one responsible for half of those streams of You're So Great lol
villa rosie at 101??? top 3 song on mlir easily
I am personally responsible for at least 20 million Beetlebum plays.
Parklife is a great album front to back.
Coping is so underrated and I can’t believe Villa Rosie has less than 1 millions streams, it’s their best song
I guess I’m one of the only ones coping and definitely too tired to care about it
THIS SIS SO SHOCKINGG.. god mlir is so so underrated..and tge tracks are so underrated too…like how is globe alone so low???
Man they need to put a version of Battery in Your Leg on Spotify that doesn't have Me, White Noise.
all the streams from miss america are from me
VILLA ROSIE AT 101?????'
i think i'm the only person who regularly listens to turn it up😭😭
all of the Coping plays are by me probably lol
Tuned out when the two least streamed songs are quasi-masterpieces.
Villa Rosie is the most underrated song of all time
Modern Life is Rubbish is a very underrated album imho.
This is a low only at 26? A crime.
I haven’t heard their newer stuff. I’m a big fan of parklife and the self titled album especially. I love the more downbeat angsty stuff of self titled xD. And parklife is such a catchy album 🙂
M.O.R. And death of a party are great /)
Leisure so deep
It genuinely hurts that most my favorite songs are some of their least played ones.
Some surprises here, some really good songs just don't get played all that much, please do Oasis at some point 🙂
The bottom 20 are all leisure, modern life is rubbish and the great escape for the most part (except the underneath the westway one and one think tank one)… surprised not to see anything from the magic whip in the bottom 50!
honestly required that you have to do Gorillaz. prooves the damon albarn love <3
Can you do Gorillaz?
most and least streamed song from each album:
Leisure: most-> There's No Other Way, 08:50
least-> High School, 00:16
Modern Life is Rubbish: most-> For Tomorrow, 08:56
least-> Resigned, 00:10
Parklife: most-> Girls & Boys, 09:53
least-> Lot 105, 02:25
The Great Escape: most-> Country House, 09:23
least-> Ernold Same, 00:41
Blur (Self-Titled): most-> Song 2, 10:03
least-> Essex Dogs, 01:57
13: most-> Coffe & TV, 09:46
least-> Optigan 1, 01:59
Think Tank: most-> Out of Time, 09:01
least-> Battery In Your Leg (includes 'Me, White Noise'), 01:06
The Magic Whip: most-> Ghost Ship, 09:27
least-> Mirrorball, 06:05
It's sad that Fool's Day isn't on spotify, it's one of their best songs
Oasis, pulp and suede next please 😀
Thanks for this interesting video!
Blur is currently my favorite band and it's hard for me to pick one song as my favorite, but The Puritan, Resigned, Wear me down, Ernold same, Battery in your legs and Villa Rosie are definitely some of my faves, which is why I find them criminally underrated as they are among the least played.
Love all the songs in the top 10 but I wish people would pay less attention to Song 2 and more attention to the other gems of the band.
I'd like the next list to be Arctic Monkeys, if you haven't made it yet 🙂
Thanks for this vid, that was very interesting! My favourite song is Clover Over Dover. It's not their best song per se, just the one that speaks most to me. I love the use of the harpsichord, Graham's vocals and the melancholy that emanates from the song. Favourite album is MLIR. Also, I have a special fondness for some Think Tank songs like Sweet Song, Battery in your leg (can't believe it's got so little views, it's such a gem!) and Caravan: they've always made me feel so emotional. It's like Damon really laid himself bare and poured his heart out in these songs (yeah, I know, they were inspired by Graham so that explains a lot), his emotions are raw and palpable, and very moving. They are the songs i've listened to the most.
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