Home games A BEGINNERS Guide to ENGINE BUILDING in Board Games


by admin

Wingspan, Earth, Everdell and a range of other great Euro games are popular because of how their mechanisms work. The engine building opportunities really matter and make a different to how to play, how you develop your game strategy and overall how you win the game. In this video we look at what engine building means in board gaming and examine why does it matter. If you love joining me on this board game journey please consider supporting me on Patreon.


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@SleepDepJoel1 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Thank you for introducing me to Revive and Steampunk Rally. Definitely going to check those out.

@gamewrit0058 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

2:47 I checked Wingspan out of the library, learned it with two friends, loved it! I got it for Christmas and I've only had a chance to play once, solo play, which was also fun.

@gamewrit0058 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

The rainbow-breathing T-Rex is worth a like alone. 😄👍

@heartsdeprived October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

When I see such a huge board with four different actions and different things on every card, I just get so overwhelmed 😢 I probably won’t play

@Olson34 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Excellent video, i love board games but never really know with ny friends as sometimes its hit or miss how long we are into something. I saw a video another creator made, that id love to see others do. If you had to start tour collection over and could only choose 20 games what would they be

@nemery6673 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

I am still confused about deck building. Sometimes it seems to mean people buy additional card packs to (hope to) get cards they want (not a rabbit hole I want to go down), but other times is it about how you discard cards and what that means for your hand in future rounds? I heard that "Friday" was a good solitaire game and I tried it but for me as a newbie it was miserable, I could not win ever.

@nemery6673 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Earth looks very pretty and interesting. With Wingspan, I feel like so far I more notice combos that turn up, than plan them…. probably because we haven't gotten past the starter pack yet (used to introduce new players).

I love your T. Rex roaring a rainbow T shirt!

@sharonlee9285 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Hi Danny, what’s the name of the game with the train tracks in your intro please?

@NerdyTeachers October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Fantastic video! Packed full of great insights.

@sapien01010 October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

When did you get a lav? It sounds great! Also, nice mug!

@BoardGameSanctuary October 1, 2024 - 11:36 am

Gday friends!
I hope you are well and board games are filling your life with joy!
What are your experiences with engine building in board gaming. What are some of your favourite engine building games?
Are there some board game terms that you found hard to understand when you entered the hobby or are there terms you still find confusing.
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Danny 🙂

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