Episode #1 of our journey to BUY some of the best collections across the USA! Join us on the journey!
LOOKING TO SELL YOUR COLLECTION? Email us at Collections@chasingcardboard.tv
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Want to SELL A COLLECTION: Email us at Collections@ChasingCardboard.tv
Fujitsu 8170 (feed/raw): (https://amzn.to/3xGQnwD)
Epson V600 (Graded): (https://amzn.to/3Im1Oi6)
Rollo Labels: (https://amzn.to/3KpbJWN)
Brother QL1100: (https://amzn.to/3EtEopW)
Singles (#00 5×10): (https://amzn.to/3IKpBcV)
Lots: (#0 6×10): (https://amzn.to/3YSEHCS)
Blaster Box (6x4x4):(https://amzn.to/3lY6Zxd)
Sets: (12x10x4): (https://amzn.to/3kqY0E6)
CANVA: (https://bit.ly/3XqxnNi)
GIMP: (https://www.gimp.org/downloads/)
SixBit: (http://bit.ly/3EpkBrp)
Card Sorting Tray: (https://amzn.to/3lRDFbv)
#ChasingCardboard #SportsCards #pickers
#ChasingCardboard #SportsCards #Pickers
FIND EPISODE 2 (https://youtu.be/2PsdPleT2iI) & EPISODE 3 (https://youtu.be/nRvmuswOefo)
That mantle would have been stolen in my town if left in an open case
Needs to be on History or Discovery channel
Bravo gentleman! Incredible production
More episodes like these boyz, kept the sellers storys short and got straight to the cards and good stuff….A++
The Mickey Mantle card for $100 was a good buy.
Wow brother you really improved your videos. There are a few stories in here you normally spend now one episode on and I like hearing the stories. Really big improvement. God bless you man
I was going to do this years ago I mean I'm the best on cars that have more knowledge on cards than anything else
Finding deals are just harder and harder to come by. The popularity of the hobby has driven people to learn how to search sold listings on ebay. While that is fair, the problem is sometimes sold listings don't tell the whole picture (i.e., 1 bid or shill bid). There are also collectors who aren't very familiar with how to use ebay and they think that listed prices mean that is what people are paying. Flea markets around me are scoured with people trying to find these diamonds in the rough.
Always enjoy watching your adventures!!!!!
Wow great video! Nice to see you’re doing big things Tyler! Not sure if you remember me, “Blazin” the center from Aftermath, but I wish you the best brother!
Do you guys choose to have a bunch of ads? Or is that YouTube? I don't remember there being so many before.
Just found this channel and I’m in love with this. I miss collecting cards, and love seeing this hobby becoming popular again.
Pawn stars would have offered him $500 for the whole collection😂😂… that was a good deal for cash😁👍
Great show !
This show IS amazing! You guys are the standard bearer! 👍🇺🇸
All of your episodes here are most definitely T.V. episodes quality. Well done. I love everything about all your videos. ❤
New sub here. I like how you guys made this content. It’s like watching American Pickers.
Are there any episodes of you goin through this collection? I would love to watch you process the whole thing…haha
How much did you pay for the three vintage cards?
Great production value.
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