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Essential skill 1
Balance: This is the foundation of all movement. Good balance improves coordination, creates better posture, reduces falls, and helps with activities like carrying objects or playing sports.
Here are two great exercises to help you become balanced:
Single leg stands: Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. Hold onto something for support if needed. (Beginner)
Walking on a balance beam: This one helps to improve focus and core engagement. (Intermediate)
Essential skill 2
Running: A basic human function, running improves cardiovascular health, builds leg strength, and is a great way to stay fit. Whether you’re using it for cardio, sports or even evading danger – running is one of the most essential skills we as human beings possess.
Here are two great exercises to help you become a better runner:
Interval training: Alternate between periods of high-intensity running and recovery speed walking. (Beginner/Intermediate)
#fitness #workout #exercise
Running drills: High knees, butt kicks, and jumping rope while moving forward improve running form and coordination. (All Levels)
Essential skill 3
Crawling: It’s not just for babies! Crawling improves core strength and shoulder stability. Staying low under smoke, squeezing through tight spaces, or performing military drills – crawling offers stealth and access in tough situations.
Here are two great exercises to help up your crawling game:
Bear crawls: Improves core and shoulder stability. Start on hands and knees, then alternate opposing arms and legs while keeping your back flat. Slow and controlled is the name of the game. (Beginner/Intermediate)
Inchworm: Great for core and upper body strength. Start standing, then walk your hands down until you’re in a plank position, then walk your feet back up to meet your hands and repeat. (Intermediate/Advanced)
Essential skill 4
Jumping: Improves explosive power, leg strength, and coordination. In addition to sports, jumping will help you clear obstacles or help you grab items just out of reach. A good jump can literally be a lifesaver.
Here are three great exercises to help you increase your jump:
Squat jumps: Builds intense power. Do a bodyweight squat then jump explosively as high as you can. (Beginner/Intermediate)
Box jumps: This helps to increase your jump height. Use a sturdy box, and jump explosively to land on top, starting with a shorter box and progressively working your way up to taller ones. (Intermediate/Advanced)
Single leg hops: Improves balance and leg strength. Hop on one leg for repetitions, then switch. (All Levels)
Essential skill 5
Climbing: Builds upper body strength and grip strength. In addition, climbing can benefit many sports like gymnastics or kayaking. Daily activities will improve as well, due to climbing’s focus on increased strength and flexibility.
Here are two great exercises to help you become a better climber:
Rock climbing gyms: The safest way to learn and practice climbing techniques. (All Levels)
Pull-ups: Builds upper body pulling strength essential for climbing. (Beginner/Intermediate)
Essential skill 6
Lifting: Essential for everyday tasks and helping to build overall strength. Learning proper lifting techniques prevents injuries and back pain.
Here are two great exercises to help you learn to properly lift:
Deadlifts: Builds total-body strength, improves posture, functional movement and athletic performance. (Beginner/Intermediate with proper form)
Squats: Builds lower body strength, improves core stability and greatly helps to improve everyday activities. (All Levels)
Essential skill 7
Carrying: Goes hand-in-hand with lifting. A strong core and proper technique ensure you can carry objects safely and efficiently, whether that be building materials on a construction site, food from the grocery store or even other people.
Here are three great exercises to help better your carrying skills:
Farmer’s walk: Hold weights in each hand and walk for distance. Improves grip strength and core stability. (Beginner/Intermediate)
Suitcase carry: Hold a weight in one hand and walk for distance, switch hands halfway. Improves core stability and unilateral strength. (Beginner/Intermediate)
Walking lunges with weights: Combine the benefits of lunges and carrying weights. It also helps to improve cardiovascular capabilities. (Intermediate/Advanced)
I am 75 and believe if my husband had been a lot more active he would still be alive today. I like skill # 3, due to bad knees, and having those knees replaced, I will do that exercise as it would help me get up again if I fall. It would be beneficial to do a video for the senior population.
This is absolutely true,
This comment might help someone who's delusional and focused more on physical appearance rather than functionality!
For 10 years nearly, being focused on weight,
now i've restarted everything, gave myself a long proper break, and who to guess, recovered fully beyond imagination and all of the mentioned above are crucial!
In your video testing the olympic lady training was mentioned the mobility!
In the fitness industry it's called animal flow!
Absolutely a must! Pure strength means nothing if you are not using it properly..
Awesome video, presented with knowledge and understanding!
p.s. Few weeks ago i've a young boy 17 years of age, who was training outside with me, but he was going everyday for 2 hours doing whatever he had on mind, no structure, no plan, just pumping alone there until barely able to walk, lol! Ofcourse we had a talk and now everything seems in place, the guy chilled a bit. Cheers to everyone!
Movement is health!
Give some advice for lower back pain and disc protrusion excercises.
I started doing all this a year ago at 30, I thought I was just getting older before. Now I realize I was just getting lazy.
Been following you since that time you made tater tots. Thanks for still providing quality content! 🙌🏻🙏🏻
"7 fundamental skills, which are the building blocks of a healthy and capeable body."
e.g.: single leg stance, walking on a balance line
e.g. alternating running & walking, high knees, running jump rope
e.g. Bear Crawls, Inchworm(=walking into a push-up position from a standing-position and reverse)
e.g. jumping squats, box jumps
e.g. Pull-ups of various types
e.g. Deadlift, Squats
e.g. Farmers Walk, Walking Lunches
"By mastering them you'll be prepared for almost anything life throws your way."
-Some buff dude
These are Gold!!!
There are very little excuses to be made. Most blame money or time, but I'm poor and get up an hour early to work out in my living room.
My problem is that restricting calories lowers my mood, so I have to be careful with my mental health. Otherwise it's just a case of grinding through each day, but there are rewards to be had.
A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest and starts to get random pains everywhere.
Your body has to be in good shape to get into good shape, however. Like the poor shape of feet or knees can jack up everything which causes a downward spiral. The more you try to improve the more injuries you get. I had perfect posture in the Navy, people even told me I sit up straighter than anyone they've ever seen. But I got a foot injury on a sensitive spot and the VA never wants to help me fix it. So I learned to walk on it to not cause pain which created knee problems, hip problems, back problems, and now neck problems. And even if I want to be a hard-charger I can't because pain always rears its head. Then it gets so bad I have to recover for 1-2 weeks. So if someone has feet issues they are limited. It sucks. Even biking can cause sharp pain in my foot. Some people just don't get a great quality of body parts and can only do what they can.
Jeezus, aĺl these were great but so taxing. Crossfitters love these excercises. I would also add in burpees✊️
Having just turned 40 recently, I wouldn't call it "a recent trend". When I was 20, people told me this was the peak of everything, it's all downhill from here. Late 20s, same with 30. Late 30s? "40 is when things start going to shit ". So far, they were wrong every time. Unless they stopped moving. Those skills sound like solid advice for every human 👍
You mean I can't just pull a Kirby and swallow a buff dude and gain his body?
Wait…that didn't sound right…
Thank you! I'm going to try and incorporate these into my routine on my own weight loss journey.
algo comment
Or work in a farm with minimal machines
I know you mentioned it briefly at the end, but swimming should definitely be on this list.
I turn 40 in 4 months, it feels so strange to me. Mentally I feel like I’m 19, physically I feel ruined 😆 I really need to sort myself out!!
hahahaa that starting montage of AUUUGHHH!! pains 🤣
Great video 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I need to know Hudson’s hair products. He has the hair I’m trying to get
I feel like this list is missing a pushing movement.
Thank you Buff Dudes. I like the knowledge conveyed but also the sense of humor at times throughout the video. Laughter is good medicine for the soul. Have a good one!
Great presentation. Training balance and jumping is underrated. Improved my athleticism so much by introducing it after a knee surgery
Great video my dudes
Should I run with my left arm straight out like you? I feel like there’s a science to this.
Pfft. Men don’t avoid danger. We are danger!
I used to wired and tired , low muscle mass and lots of coffee. The gym helped now I feel I have lots of energy for just normal life
Sorry but I'm calling bullshit for quite some of these things. As long as you're building muscle, not being too heavy, stretch and jump?
Then you'll be fine for some crawling and stuff.
awesome!! A Work-out Plan book would be unreal for these 7 essential skills!
I love you guys! Keep rocking it!
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