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Despite the bugs, though, I think it will blossom into something amazing.
The game needs to be boycotted, and people need to refund if possible.
Don't buy this expecting a finished game. It blatantly isn't and the devs are open about this. I have confidence that they'll be very receptive to audience feedback.
I'll revisit in a year once its actually playable, as i was quite looking forward to the game.
What helped me a little bit in addition to turning the graphics down to the minimum, was finding the GameUserSettings.ini file and changing resolution scaling:
Now, that resolution is also really bad to play with, but at least it's not horribly stuttery. Lovely concept, kinda jank, really bad optimization (for now).
I don’t mind being the underdog in a game but if I’m handed a weapon I expect to be able to use it without the hordes teleporting on top of me every single time. There should be windows of viability and silencers and distractions and decoys and blame shifters and outright ways to neutralise some threats and/or their ability to call for reinforcements (something that helldivers 2 does TERRIBLY with its teleporting ambush “patrols” and reinforcements on speed-dial that can land literally anywhere while the players are constrained by many an invisible wall)
Doesn't excuse the poor optimization.
That third mission to get drone parts? You have to work for it, find a drone across the field and get him to pay attention to you - then take a pot shot at a patrol and lead them together. I cleared that in the first two hours of playing once I started paying attention. If this is not your game style than just say so and don't blame it on the EA bugginess.
If you come from playing Tarkov, you might find the content currently a little too easy... The extraction points are pretty much always available to get to, there is no timer to get in/out, and you don't get one-shot by nearly anything. You are just playing a scav run, all the time.
Try and get into the game style and then take another pass at a review.
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