Colicoid Creation Nest makes two types of weapons, one gives you nightmares the other helps you commit war crimes…
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Not just sentient insectoid aliens. Angry, xenophobic, violent, cannibalistic, barbaric warrior sentient insectoid aliens.
Collocoids use the geneva conventions as toilet paper.
I guess aside from the huge shipment of exotic meat from the Trade Federation, the fact they likely only ever sent droids (as we all know how cowardly the Nemoidians are) als helped in the deals not getting awry. Colicoids can't eat metal after all.
I wonder if it would be worse if they wondered what you tasted like or knew and thought your kind was delicious???
Scary good
I love the design of the Trident class. The standard droid rack indicates it has (some) easily repairable parts, along with an eye towards logistics. Even if it is overall an expensive platform. I know it is a mashup of a bunch of authors ideas, but it matches real world weapons development. Where companies make "perfect" weapons, then scale back to hit quotas or budget constraints.
What about the droideka mark 2 (Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption)?
the bakugan star figther was unexpected
Neat, sounds like we can learn a lot from CCN. Striking fears in to the hearts of the enemy.
That is indeed amomg the most American things ever.
Acolyte footage detected, dislike dispensed.
Loved the video otherwise!
D…did this species send an envoy before the events of The Matrix?
You broke my heart ninjon, that purity seal on his pauldron was my favorite part😂 great job I should try painting that way sometime
CCN: Why CIS battle droids range from "goofy dumb robots" to "murder Bakugans", with no middle ground.
You had me at "diverse galactic meatmarkets"
Man, it has been a while since I saw one of this channels videos. Was subscribed. It seems the powers that be decided I shouldn't have been.
I have overruled their decision, because it was stupid.
I don't mean to be racists but anything bug like in the star wars galaxy seems to be horrible.
0:28 tyranid or termanid lol
Bro this title and it opened to a ad for a Google phone! They know!!!
I LOVE these guys! AntiSocial Super Carnivorous Technophiles! My kinda creatures.😊
could you imagine the "oh shit' moment if buzz droids got inside a Star Destroyer
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