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Tbh, i love the outro music
Twila Pines
73517 Stokes Parkways
Lueilwitz Lake
Franecki Lakes
Lockman Haven
0:53 💀👀
Wait what’s with the added sound effects on each hit😂😂 you don’t hear the hits on the replays guys
2:05 I popped for that too
Classic boxer: "ive seen some dirty hits but i need some more fights"
ksi has the announcer 2:06
Australians found out that people think NFL is harder: NRL comes OI COME LOOK AT OUR TUFF AND STRONG PLAYERS NO PADS NO HELMET AY
I thought jj was going to play madden😂😂😂
AFL : are you kidding me?
Out of all the teams he chose the seahawks
Rugby is better
He needs to see the Myles Garret V Mason Rudolph battle
Old ksi is ridiculous
Anyone else remember KSI on Come On Man
NFL isnt the most dangerous sport in the world lol. Its not even ranked in the top 10.
The most dangerous sport in the world 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. With all the padding and helmets you have got to be kidding.
2:39 that was disgusting 🤢
Hockey is worse
seahawks really atleast get bills
He needs to another video. He has to see the myles Garrett fight with Mason rudolph. Plus the Antonio brown spartan kick to the brown's kicker.
Pls do more of this
They should’ve shown the Andre Johnson vs Courtland Finnegan fight
"GoD dAmN" had me dying
Show him the hit in CF in the gators documentary. You know the one
W thumbnail
He looks like kam chancellor
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