All roads lead to Rome – and so do these tech trees! From the newspaper to the vending machine, these are 8 amazing Roman technological innovations, in this episode of History Countdown.
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Roman Catholicism became the state religion and canon laws were effected to justify this. The irony of this is that Christianity was one of the reasons why Ancient Rome fell and ceased to exist. The biblical injunctions of turning the other cheek and loving your neighbors turned Roman soldiers into cowards who could not withstand the ferocious attacks from their enemies, (like the Sassanid Persians and the Huns).
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Alexander The Great = Ai Ka Le Si Ëndërr = He Was Born Like A Dream
Olympia = O Lumtë Shtëpia = Glorious House
Aphrodite = Afër Dita = Near Day / Dawn
Pelasg / Pelasgians = Prej El / Yllit = From The Star 🌟
Dorians / Dores = Të Dorës = Strong, Hardworking People
Illyria / Illyrians = Ill I Ri = New Star 🌟
Graeculus = Gratë E Yllit = Women Of The Star / Women From The Star 🌟
Epirus / Epir = I Epër = Upper
Albania = Al Banorë = The Dwellers Of The Star 🌟
Hera = Era = Wind
Apollo = Ai Prej Yllit = He Is From The Star 🌟
Rhea = Re = Cloud
Zeus = Zëri = The Voice
Pegasus = Prej Nga Zëri = Comes From The Voice
Ares = Arë = Field
Demeter = Dimër = Winter
Hestia = Vjeshta = Autumn
Primavera / Minerva = Pranvera = Spring
Triton = Dritë = Light
Thetis = Deti = Sea
Fortuna = Fortuna = Storm
Kronos = Krijoj = Create
Amalthea = Mal Dhia = Goat From The Mountains
Adamanthea = Atë Ta Mbajë Dhia = The Goat Should Raise Him
Cleopatra = Ka Le E Para = First To Be Born
Archimedes = Ar Ki Mendjen = Golden Minded Shall You Be
Hippocrates = Hapi Krahët = Spread Your Wings
Prometheus = Për Mbi Dhe = Over The Ground
Herodotus = Era E Ditës = Day's Wind Aristotle = Ari Do Të Lind = Gold Shall He Born
Antisthenes = Ngjan Ti Si Hëna = You Resemble The Moon
Parthenon = Të Parët Tanë = Our Ancestors
Artemis = Ardhët E Mi = My Predecessors
Paris = I Pari = The First
Pericles = Pari Ka Le = First Born
Asclepius = Ai Ka Le Prej Ujit = He Was Born From The Water
Achilles = Ai Prej Qiellit = He Is From The Sky
Amazon = Jam E Zonja = I Am A Strong Woman
Acropolis = Ai Ka Ra Prej Yllit = It Fell From The Star
Hercules = Hekur Le = Born Iron
Troy = Troja = Place Or Land Of Origin
Medusa = Me Dashuri = With Love
Pandora = Panë Dorën = They Saw Her Fate In Her Hand / Fortune Teller
Odyssey = Udhëtues = Traveler
Odessa = E Dashur = Beloved
Ajax = Gjak = Blood
Hypatia = Hyn E Para = The First To Enter
Atalanta = Ata E Lanë Atë = They Left Her
Athens / Athina = E Thëna = Speech / Saying
Cassandra = Ka Sa Ëndrra = Many Dreams
Penelope = Pelë E Lopë = Half Horse, Half Cow
Zoe = Zonja = Lady
Priam = Pari Jam = I Am The First
Oracle Of Pythia = O Ra Ka Illi = She Fell From The Star, Pythia
Delphi = Selvi / Selvia = Beautiful Woman
The Whole Sentence Means: The Beautiful Woman, Pythia Fell From The Star.
Alexander The Great Named Most Mountains In Asia:
Tirich Mir = Ti Të Rrish Mirë = You Should Stay Well
Rakaposhi = Ka Rënë Poshtë = Fell Downwards
Torabora = Tërë Borë = Full Of Snow
Stok Kangri = Sa Tokë Ka Ngrirë = So Much Land Is Frozen
Bubli Motin = Bubullinë Moti =
Thunder Weather
Ka Ra Buura = Ka Rënë Bora = Snow Has Fallen
Diran = Dy Ranë / Duron = Two Fell / Withstand
Ancient Egyptians Were Albanians 🇦🇱
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Pyramid = Pirg Mbi Dhe = Stack Over The Ground
Cleopatra = Ka Le E Para = The First To Be Born
Nefertari Meritmut = Afër Tek Ari Më Rriti Mua = Close To Gold She Raised Me
Nefertiti = Afërdita = Aphrodite, Near Day, Dawn
Pharaoh = Pari Ai Është = He Is The First
Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink (Hapi Is Nile's Other Name)
Nile = Në Ill = In The Star 🌟
Spartans Were Albanians 🇦🇱
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Sparta = Shpatë = Sword
Lycurgus = Ligji = Law
Theopupos = Dheu I Popullit = Nation Land
Doryssos = Duroj = Withstand
Damaratos = Meritoj = Deserve
Klenymos = Ka Le Ndihmues = Born A Helper
Cleombrotos = Ka Le Mbrojtje = Born A Shild / Born Protective
Kleodaios = Ka Le I Dijes = Born All Knowing
Alcamenas = Ai Ka Mendjen = He Is Intelligent (He Has The Mind)
Eurykratos = E T'u Rritshin Krahët = Grow Big Shoulders (Grow To Be Strong)
Eurypon = U Rritsh Puna = Grow Hardworking
Eurysthenes = U Rritsh Sa Tek Hëna = May You Grow To The Moon
Eurydamedas = U Rritsh Deri Sa Të Dish = Grow Until You Know
Pausanias = Pasuria = Wealth
Hippocratidas = Hapi Krahët = Spread Your Wings
Hippomendon = Hapi Mendtë = Think Wise
Ariston = Arritur = Reached (Success)
Labotas = Sa Bota = Big As Earth
Anaxadritas = I Ngjan Dritës = Resembles The Light
Anaxilaos = I Ngjan Yjeve = Resembles The Stars 🌟
Anaxandros = I Ngjan Ëndrrës = Resembles A Dream
Anaxidamos = I Ngjan Demit = Resembles A Bull
Zeuxidamus = Zërin Si Demi = Voice Like A Bull
Arehidamus = Ai Rrihet Si Demi = He Fights Like A Bull
Menares = Mendo = Think Wise
Polydoros = Foli I Dorës = Speaks Profiency
Echestratos = Udhës Drejtë = The Right Way
Nikomedes = Një Komb = One Nation
Ancient Romans Were Albanians 🇦🇱
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Italy / Víteliú = Vijnë Nga Illi = They Come From The Star 🌟
Calabria = Kala Me Brirë = Castle With Horns
In Latin, Star is called Stella and Stella comes from Albanian Ell 🌟 = Star 🌟
Latin reads La Atin = Left The Father
Luna in Latin means Moon 🌙 and Luna reads in Albanian; Luan Ana = The Side Moves
Hëna reads Ha Ana = The Side Eats It Up (Moon Phases)
Rome reads Rrumbullak, which means Round in Albanian
Diana = Zana = Fairy 🧚♀️
Zana comes from Zëri = Voice
Vesta reads Vjeshta = Autumn
And Vjeshta comes from Albanian verb vjel = gather, pick, pluck (grapes or other fruits)
Venus = Vend = Place
Neptune = Ne Prej Ullit = We Come From The Star 🌟
Caelestis = Ky El Është = This Is Star 🌟
Aurora reads Ajo U Urua = She Was Blessed
Veni, Vidi, Vici reads Vij e Ndiej, Vij e Di, Vij e Kryej = I come and feel, I come and know, I come and end it.
Rome = Rrumbullak = Round
Pompeii = Po Më Pëlqen = I Like It
Pescara = Peshk = Fish
Bari = Bari = Grass
Brindisi = Brirë Midis = Horns Between
Sicily, In The East The Siculi, or Sicels, Who Gave Their Name To The Island, But Were Reputed To Be Latecomers To Italy; To The West Of The Gelaes River; The Sicani And In The West; The Elymians, People With Origin From Troy.
Siculi = Sikur Ylli = Like The Star 🌟
Sicani = Sikur Hëna = Like The Moon
Elymians = Ylli Mbi Hënë = Star Above The Moon
Julius Ceasar = Je Ylli = You Are The Star, Ca es ar = Që Është Ar = Which Is Gold
"Oooooooh do i have some tea for ya'll?!"
"...I thought we ordered wine?"
i am deceased💀
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