Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber step out in Los Angeles, just days after announcing they are expecting their first child together. Hailey Bieber shows her baby bump in a crop top as the couple are seen running errands.
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Justin Bieber & Hailey Bieber Seen for FIRST TIME Since Pregnancy News | E! News
She always dresses like a guy!
Sadly he is always sad😢
Now that shes preg nobody cares
They are history washed up .
Pfft what is she wearing😂 celebrities are weird Justin seems more normal lol
把所有祝福送給二位不管發生什麼總是要在一起二位既將為人父母迎接 小baby的來臨這才是最重要祝二位健康平安♥️♥️♥️💏🥰🤩👍
Very happy for you 2..I just read people are sending Hailey nasty but cruel messages. .sad people are so mean and evil. Justin and Hailey I will pray for you and your blessing..Love to you 2 forever…God is good. Haters gonna hate .Selena folks need to move on. Taylor I hope you're not a part of this negative behavior
I feel like why would Justin’s mom still loves Selena Gomez ? 😢
I can’t stand Hailey but poor Justin just wants a normal life and he always wanted to be a dad. I pray they have a healthy baby and that it brings him the joy that the industry took away from him. Justin deserves to be happy
Their baby is going to be so beautiful. So sweet
Idk much about about them, but to me they don't look like a happy couple.
It’s noooooooo not to much sun heat!⚠️
They tryna distract with the baby to cover up all the diddy stuff with them
His kid getting groomed next where the cops at and why isn’t there more comments bout this they hiding them ??
Aww that's great.. isn't Selena Gomez pregnant as well… Is this another Hailey Bieber😊copy Selena Gomez… Weirdo
Wouldn't be great if the Baby singer, now expecting a baby, could actually grow up, pull his pants up and stop dressing like an angry pre-teen ?? He is a 30 year old man child!!
So…..his mom turned him over to Diddy….
Remember when P-Ditty groomed Justin?
People need to have English lessons to learn how to interpret messages better. 😂
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