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You Can’t Stop The Beat – Hairspray l Dance l Chakaboom Fitness l Choreography l coerografia
Check out the Hairspray soundtrack here – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hairspray-soundtrack-to-the-motion-picture/730633699
Music: You Can’t Stop The Beat – Hairspray
Jesus tenho quase 50 anos e não paro de dançar que música top❤❤❤
How much fun are these people? I want this class!!
My child is doing the dance in thier consent
I used to it in my old school mission Junior highschool
Thank you for the video
Help this is my foundation day dance
I love the emphasis on a healthy lifestyle with the attention to the dancer's "Happy Hour". 🥰
se me hace muy basico ,para el tipo de cancion debe de llevar mas energia y mejo coreografia, ya que una coreografia se compone tambien de cambio de lugar no solo de pasos y los pasos muy repetitivos .
Love this. From Australia 🇦🇺
All of you killed it. But the two women both in purple shirts were honestly the cutest (I think that's the right word?). They were trying so hard to keep up! As someone who was a theatre kid and had to dance the actual choreo from the musical, it's hard!
The girl with the red shirt did amazing
IT matched the musical all of you definitely
Tried your absolute best nice job 👍
Wow amazing! Is there a tutorial for this one??
hi mrs coffison if you see this
Only 2 guys in this? Instructor & guy in brown shorts who's freeballing, who, by the way, has great calves. His junk is bouncing around
Fun and entertaining moves!
Just love the way that you have included your whole class in this video. Stunning energy and joy for all!
Eu amo tanto esse filme, pelos ensinamentos que aprendo toda vez que assisto. Além de ser um filme bem gostoso de ver. E a trilha sonoras é linda, amo de paixão. Lembro da primeira vez que assisti, tinha 16 anos e hoje tenho 21. Vou guardar esse filme pro resto da vida, amei a coreografia ❤️😍
Wowwwww bravissimi
More group dance man wear hat and woman
Would love to be able to dance like that
Amazing. A huge amount of work must have gone into that.
My theatre teacher made my class dance to this for 2 weeks straight. It was a workout for sure
I love it!!! It's so fun! And I love seeing the girl behind the guy bc she's trying to be seen! 😂
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