Home Sport The Best Form of Training to Improve Sports Performance

The Best Form of Training to Improve Sports Performance

by admin

In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer a live question from one of our listeners.

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“The Best Training to Improve Sports Performance”
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@noa-ix9pe September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

What if the thing I aim to get good at is the core principle that two different disciplines have in common? So in my case, I want to get pretty good at both fighting (mma, so pretty much any techniques) and tricking (flips, twists in the air, jump kicks etc) – they seem pretty different on first glance but what I found is that there is one thing they have in common that one needs to master to master those disciplines – which is control of your own body ( awareness of your position in relation to the space around you, mind-muscle-connection in general, mobility and having a great awareness of how your body moves in relation to what order you give it [as in: are u able to recreate the image of a sideflip or a certain punch-combo in real life just the way it feels when u imagine it in your mind])
So I know this video is from a year ago but I couldn't find any discussions of this question anywhere so I postet it here.
If what I wanna master is that core principle that is the base of two different disciplines, wouldn't training one of them automatically help me gain skills that carry over to the other and so on? This is only in part a question, since I have already experienced that, yes it does indeed work like that (as I'm getting better at flips and thus gaining awareness of how my body is positioned in space, I realised a massive improvement in how I move in the ring aswell) , but I can only say that to the extent of time I have been training in this intense way with both of those things combined – I wondered if there are any scientific evidences to back this up or if I just so happened to get it better at both things at the same time bc obvsly I am still training both and not just switching to one whild hoping the other will imprive on it's own, or if that way I am really improving faster than I would if I would train them both individually in phases (say:just take 6 months to get good at mma, then only train tricking for the next 6 months)

@hibberish7498 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Guys how to ask questions online

@dompolidori5313 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

this was exactly what i needed

@frankenstein1091 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

can't believe a golfer is considered an athlete

@AmirMalik-sj3ov September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

I need that T-shirt saying I smell hippies 😂

@jayh.8676 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

You guys really should create a program for golfers.

@qe9933 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Strength is good but will tighten you up, yoga and stretches everyday will get you more flexible and ultimately translate to faster swing speeds meaning longer distances. You want to use the ground to generate power so best to heavy squat and deadlift too

@qoop1200 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Dude should get a steel club and do mills. Both directions, both arms. Probably two-handed specifically. He'll get lateral agility, rotational, shoulder mobility, swing like hand positioning and strength. 10 minutes 3 days a week would be enough. Go up from 2 minutes to 10 minutes; add a minute or two per week as your body allows.

@brodheaded4147 September 19, 2024 - 12:54 pm

Need this topic guys and any variation you guys are willing to give. Thank you. Very important.
35 year old 6' 2" 195 pound wanting to be much better at tennis my passion. Been building muscle and wanting a 6 pack and cutting at rough 2400 calories.
Hard to do both like you guys inform.
Rotational excersize very important and not perfected. The reassurance you guys give is essential even if it's hard to hear sometimes.
Weighing the decision to cut and pursue building aesthetics and be sport specific.
You guys are the only ones that will help differentiate between the complexities.
Double down and keep putting these videos out and revisit these topics.
Thank guys!!

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