WNBA Commissioner REJECTS Attacking Caitlin Clark Fans! Woke Basketball Players WANT HER FIRED! Breanna Stewart, WNBPA have targeted Cathy Engelbert online. Angel Reese was also used against the commish.
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Several of the WNBA players have their panties in a wad because of Caitlin Clark being so good.
Well what action can she take against fans dummy
People are gonna say what they .no one cares what the commissioner thinks
Just easy for me not to watch them as it is to watch them and so I refuse to watch them at this point because why do I wanna watch people that hate me
As other people in this chat has said it’s the news media there pushing for her to do horrible things and bring up of race and sexuality one of them because they all wanna be activist that’s the guy doing the interview
I like your style and information u give. BUT. Gay women love sports. Men add to their fan base oh and they love all their fans. 😊
Nothing but A bunch Trump supporters Kaitlyn Clark Support, Kamala Harris
Dear B&W hosts, here's where I see 'a divergence in the farce' of the WNBA (Women's National Black Association. There needs to be two women's leagues.
The first one is the present league, WNBA for the insanity that supports what is normally thought of as criminal assault, but made effectively legal despite being purposeful committed in order to cause injury or harmful attack or to remove a player by such actions. This can also be normally considered a hate crime in public. This is the current WNBA playing manner.
Then someone should start a second women's league fit for families, children's and non violent basketball rules and player's. I call it the National Basketball League.
😅😅😅. In the NBL fans can only cheer for their team or a player. No booing is allowed. The purpose of the NBL is fan entertainment first, polite sportsmanship, and family role models.
NBL fan buys a ticket. Only a season pass for one chair in an assigned place can be purchased. No fan can buy more than one permanent chair or give the season pass to another person or guest to use. A Pass will come with a contract which is signed, dated and contains a secured card and photo. Said pass is necessary for examination at all home games and for away games. Any empty seats are only available to other non home pass owners of other visiting teams with all the same contracts and rights given, if available at game start time on a first come basis.
Furthermore, all season passes can be terminated for stated reasons or misconduct and can be temporary or permanent immediately. No rebates or excuses accepted. Such actions negates all pass privileges in all stadiums for all games and public events. 😮
Additional clothing for fans can only be related to team sold clothing. No personal clothing that isn't plain and solid colors can be worn unless it's sold at the stadiums by an authorized vendor. No signs of any type, size or design can be brought to the game or will be sold at the game. All violations of dress, signage and polite conduct is allowed and is cause for immediate pass suspension or permanent ban.
Any player of any race or culture can be on a NWBL team unless they have demonstrated a previous history of poor attitude not keeping with stated policies and acceptable practices of polite basketball 🏀 sport. All such potential team players will be processed by the league for acceptance or rejection.
There will be no draft process for the NBL. Any player can apply for consideration by the league and afterwards by teams after league accepts that application or not. All players accepted on a team are paid by the league at the same rates. No payer agents are acceptable to the NBL since there is no variation in player contracts or income. Players chosen to represent a team will be of the highest conduct primarily and skills secondary.
If this doesn't fit with anyone then go to the WNBA. Your ego doesn't match NBL standards. 😂
B&W YouTube, you only may use this text if you wish. As a channel fan of your logic and sportsmanship. 😊
The WNBA women have been a charity from the beginning, just a skip away from becoming homeless and no job. At the beginning the picked players did not know how long they had playing. These now believe they will be given a pass like it has. The NBA is not making the money to their expenses like years back and $10 or $20 million is not chick feed. The WNBA has to start depending on their own. This is the best they can hope for now. If the NBA commissioner would state, the NBA does not need to support the WNBA having now $260 million, they now need to work on getting their league to higher revenue by better standards towards business.
Angel Reese is a Heterophobic, racist.
The W is so dysfunctional and a symbol of the direction our country is headed. 😢 Very sad !
Well we're not here to be their fans anyway…we are here to be Caitlin Clark fans . .she straight white and probably Christian…we'll buy her jerseys not Stewart's and I am a stewart
Cooter really said that players are activist players just because they are black and/or lesbians
The only victim of racism in that league in Caitlin Clark. Period. And the WNBA has not taken any action to protect her whatsoever.
Are yall really like this! It's obvious racism! To show cc with her standing over a black player like George Floyd, what do you call that! This dude is so racist it's ridiculous smfh
The racist are victims now? They don't want us
Awe racist mad that they can't be racist anymore lol
If the commissioner don't want to support the players get rid of her. Start putting the heat on ladies. The WNBA world is yours!!!!! To you power back and let them know who is in control. You are making money for them! Remember that!!!!!
WARNING: Strong Words Ahead, for the weak, ready your safe space
i gonna say it
we need 2 leagues;
1 for fagot women to enjoy as before
1 for women with a destiny
i remember the 70/80's as some of
the world greatest basketball played
by men. Wow, i miss those times.
I say, it's time for the women
who can play on another level; to do the same.
let the fagot women enjoy their league.
but give the future lady Birds & Jordans the platform they deserve.
let the fagot women beat each other to a pulp if they want;
and take the knee for this or for that fake virtue and all that.
Let the press roll all over them like dogs do on shit and road kill.
I just wanna watch real players play
I just wanna root for CC when she plays
against other women up to her caliber of play.
I've never had a woman hero to root for in my life…i'm willing to make an exception.
thus we need a whole new league for real women player.
Teams of women with higher standards of how to play the game.
This is what little girls need to see and
be inspired by.
If you need gay women as your hero, fine with me, except they
very often play slightly above high school level.
i said that before, but this time round i'm saying it blunterer
Love how the wnbpa says that but doesn’t check its own players..?! Sometimes you get what u sow..! And where is the proof..?
Let’s put it to rest. Clark and Alien aren’t rivals. Alien isn’t a baller to be a rival of someone.
Damn bro you talk about Angel resses 247 damn bro know you don’t like her but damn this some weirdo shit. You a fan fan
1st of all, we wanna see Caitlin play and succeed as well anyone else. She lead me to this league with her play period. The WNBA immediately for no reason at all started speaking against CC even before she was drafted. Then, when she actually started playing they been flagrantly fouling her with no one suspended but they’re bombarding her with technical fouls because she had the nerve to complain. We as new fans have the right to complain too. Then the WNBA and black commentators started that racism by implying that Angle was the roty simply because no straight white woman could ever be as good or better than any lesbian, or black woman that seem to dominate this league. So yes we have cc’s back and I for one don’t have anything against anybody but Caitlin’s play speaks for itself. She been nothing but a humble person who’s trying her best to do her best and she and others like her deserve much better than the ridiculous treatment that she’s received. Caitlin deserves every bit of the success that she gotten and earned and I’m proud to say that I’m a CC fan. Go fever
A little too late..! The damage is already done ESPN..!
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