!!!!!! OPEN HERE !!!!!!
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Hello Guys, this little Mix of pure epicness is the escence of some of the very best FREE songs i could find.
ALL TITLES are coming with a CC License. They are free to use for everything. YOUR VIDEOS, MARKETING etc.
The only limitation is that you write the name of the Artist under your video and ya are ready to go
SUBSCRIBE HERE ► http://bit.ly/1ezwqYs
00:00 – 1:26
Joachim Heinrich – Revelation
1:26 – 05:00
Pegasus – Peter Mor
05:00 – 05 :46
Ancient Hero – Royality Free Music
05:46 – 10:00
Victory – Royal Free Music
10:00 – 12:13
Contagion – Rocktronica
12:13 – 14:15
Epic Adventure Cue – Jubilee
14:15 – 00:00
Rock Instrumental Music – No.3
and have a nice day
Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Assassin’s Creed 3,
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,
Crysis 3, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Origins
Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XV
Gears of War 3, God of War 3,
Halo Reach Halo 4 Infamous 2 Killzone 3 Mass Effect 3
Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2,
The Elder Scrolls V, Skyrim Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception,
Real Steel, Flim Landscapes – Volume Two,
Bladestorm, StarCraft II, Wings of Liberty,
A bohemian love story, A Winged Victory, For The Sullen, Requiem For The Static King, Part One, World of Warcraft Cinematic
God of War, Ascension, From Ashes, Super Bowl 2014 Commercial, Section 8,
The Secret World, Dark Souls
Repulse, Helllgate London,
Heroes Might and Magic 6, Knight’s Contract,
Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance, Killzone 2,
Onimusha 3, Guardians of Middle Earth,
Hitman Absolution, Cinematic Diablo 3,
Tomb Raider Underworld, Lady Gaga, is a Man, Hans Zimmer, Man of Steel, The Hobbit, Thor 2, Thor The Dark World, Captain America 2, Avengers 2, The Elder Scrolls 6, Mortal Kombat, DC Universe, MMLP2, Eminem, Marshall Marther Lp 2, Super, Mega, Hardcore, Shiat, Jason Derulo, Talk Dirty to Me
How would i go about getting in contact with a musician that can create a piece for me , gona use it for my portfolio ( game development) basicly it gona be a demo reel.
why did he name all these game names in the description under "Ignore:"?
how do i download this epic music plz
the song Victory – Royal Free Music is not free the licence can be bougth for 19$ i bet some others are not free aswell
Hey guys i made a vid on my chNNEL with the first song check it out
thank you!!!
wow :-O this is greate
Great Soundtrack!
So can I legally use this music on a monetized video? do I have to provide your channel's name? PLEASE ANSWER… Thanks
gonna use one for my Film Academy Portfolio, just earned a sub man
omg bro u a r master
Thank you for that!
Epic! ^^
Sheeeit !! These great song are actually monetizable.
after spend 3hours finding. T-T
here… my sub and thumb. thx a lot
Please give me link download the end musis: "Rock Instrumental Music – No.3" Hight quality! Thanks so much!
+thesourcehunter It won't let me donate from Brazil or maybe it's my shit credit card here. I'll put a link to this video when I use any of these songs. Great selection dude. DayZ written all over it.
6:30 / 10:30
Really nice work i love it
great! Its not "boring" epic music its REAL epic music <3 And its a bit Harry Potter style
where can I download these songs?
Victory reminds me of Shadow Of Israphel Vol.2 Track 17 "For Glory" by Daniel Yount
Whats the Realname and Composer of "Victory"? I Really need that
Is this uncopyrighted music? Ik it says free to use but I'm just making sure
is it free to make a video with this?
Guys go to the youtube to MP3 website to download.
Thanks OG
where it can doownload?
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