Nintendo Switch has exploded recently in sales because of the global pandemic. Some gaming stores have even sold out entirely. These are some of the biggest settings that we bet you didn’t know!
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Even gamers who’ve owned a Nintendo Switch since it’s release in 2017 don’t know everything there is to know about the console. In fact, we’d bet there are at least a few hidden settings these OG Switch gamers may not know about, which is where we come in. Here at TheGamer, we’d say we’re quite knowledgeable when it comes to the Nintendo Switch. Now, some of you may know all of these settings we’ll talk about like the back of your hand, but we’ll still include some well-known settings for the surge of new Switch gamers who want to know what their console is capable of. You’re welcome, newbies!
Did you know that some games don’t allow you to have multiple saves? Well, there’s a simple solution to that and it involves making another account. Usually, you’ll be able to start a new game on that account without overriding your other account’s save. Talk about a neat workaround. Just hope you have the Nintendo Switch Online service so you could back those save files up. It might also be a smart thing to associate that new account with a completely different region so you could access that region’s eShop if need be. Even if you don’t understand Japanese, there might be a game you want that’s just too good to pass up.
There are more hidden settings inside the Nintendo Switch than just those so enjoy the video, let us know what your favorite hidden setting is in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more gaming content.
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For you long time Switch fans – did you catch all of them?
Anyone 2024
Rodriguez Daniel Harris Sharon Lee Laura
There’s this something called, “DELETE SAVE DATA”
7:56 Does it also power on Dell monitors automatically? I always push the button on the bottom of my monitor and the Switch display shows – if you know what I mean.
I only got my switch last year, so there should be stuff for me to know.
Hi 8:40
7:32 hmmm… I don’t think everybody’s gonna use this for it’s intended purpose… 👀
1:29 This doesn’t work if the game was bought digitally. If you can’t play the game without wifi (which is bs) then you can’t use an alternative user to make a new save file. Some game are an exception like Luigi’s Mansion 3 or Mario Wonder.
i lost my console but not controllers once
All he is doing is advertising for nintendo
Wats the anime game that looks like cartoon?
Bruh I’m going on an airplane in 3 hours 😂
yoooooo i hit 1 SUB!!!!!!!!!!1
If u didn’t know, the find controller option turns on the controller. Do they have to be synchro with your switch.
wait till he finds out you can play games on it
9:13 You can connect your joycons or other controllers while in airplane mode it just limits it to two
Getting switch in August 31
it showed my name on one of the users😃
This video gave less information than the switch reveal trailer
7:41 bruh just the the controller that is off and it turns on as long as it’s nearby
If you wanna reset Your island and want to get ride of it just archived data
2,160th comment
If the screen freezes, there’s another way to do it shut off the consul and then turn it back on and don’t go to the game you were playing, hit the home screen button and then close that software
I'm still waiting for Nintendo to make a good game or to make a game thats NOT made for an autistic 4 year old child or a 20 year old antifa wannabe that still lives with their parents.
1. The Switch will make controllers vibrate even if they're off, the important thing is they're paired with the Switch.
2. You can go in airplane mode settings and choose to enable separately Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC connections while airplane mode is on.
I knew all of it i have my switch now for 7 years
Dude, I’ve only had the switch for 3 years, one of which was spent using it only once, and I knew all of them!
Wow how did I not know this 😮😂
You said the switch can do anything huh then can the switch become a dragon puppy?
ooooo, very hidden indeed….idiot video
2:03 if my old nintendo switch got lost what should i do to put all the stuff.Please tell me ive done months of hard work in all the games,so please respond
I used my ps5 head set.i know🗿
Why are.the games on the online retro emulators on the estore so limited.with games? I thought i was getting access to.the WHOLE collection!
Wait, what? Switch have airplane mode?
This video is dumb as hell. None of this is "hidden"
I love Nintendo !!! ❤️
Never knew the controller's vibration can be manually "controlled". Are they water proof?
Hidden? Really? More like for people who have never owned a single system in their life XD
Thank you for helping me fix my controllers
Thanks a ton for the advice on what to do for control stick drifting, my lite had a terrible problem with that and after watching your video i recalibrated it and it works just fine!! Thanks a lot!!
I new most of them.
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