10 Minute Ab Workout on the Stability Ball. Today we are using the stability ball and doing 5 core AB exercises 15 times each. This is a great routine to add to the beginning or end of your weight training routine, or just do it anytime to build up your core.
You know ABS are really made in the kitchen right? We can work them out, but if you are not eating clean and properly all this exercising is not going to show.
♥ My Website: https://LauraLondonFitness.com
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**ALWAYS WARM UP with light stretching or cardio for 5-10 minutes before performing exercises** The information offered in this video or by Laura London Fitness is offered as opinion only. Always consult your Physician before trying any new nutrition or exercise program. This workout routine may not be suitable for you.
#lauralondonfitness #10minuteabworkout
Hi everyone. I hope you are healthy and safe. I thought you would love my Best AB workout playlist: https://youtu.be/chsjiu5pFjM
Love from Athens, Greece Laura, you are a goddess!
You are just the sweetest!!!
Your body is amazing!
you are crazy! in a good way of course.
Just tried it! Loved it. Will add to my routine! Thanks 👌🏽
She's so funny I love her
great video, just got a ball and these workouts actually burn after learning them properly, thanks a lot you got a new sub
awesome ! thank you 🙂
Hi Laura! I'm a beginner and loving every exercise on this video except the roll over side to side one. I think I may be doing this wrong because I can't feel a thing on this particular one. Any tips?It's my third day doing this video and I'm plenty sore on every exercise here but nothing on that particular set.
She makes me want to work out
I just had a baby not to long ago and I'm ready to lose the belly, this seriously helped so much !!
thank you so much u have helped me in my journey to losing 120 lbs I also live in fl (sw) do u ever do meet and greets
How big is ur ball, i bought one but i think its too big. ???
thankyou very much, enjoyed the workout, i can see why you have such great abbs, i will continue to do them with my ball at home as i have been slack in using it , its more fun when you have someone to do it with
I want to lose weight will this help me?
great exercises! they're nice and different from the ones I normally do! definitely subscribing 🙂
My first time working out for my wife thanks helps!
My husband would kill me If I put my shoe on the wall haha
Pick a word. at least FIVE letter. mine is LOVE hahaha
What size yoga ball is that?
how long till results begin to show?
Okay, I'm probably to clumsy for the twist exercise. I can just see myself hitting the floor.
Hi Laura. I am in my 40s with 3 back surgeries and weighing more than I should. I just brought a ball and came across your video. I do not have much flexibility due to my surgeries and wanted to get some advise. Any thoughts?
this is just great! thank u
Thank you girl. You had me cracking up. Love your personality
I loved these exercises. Some I had never used before. Love your energy. Thanks for posting.
Very engaging explanation:) Can't wait to try your techniques, thanks for sharing:)
I love your videos, what diet plans do u recommend?
You make it fun thank you. Recovery from knee surgery so glad I found you. Getting back in shape slowly glad I found your video.
I already feel it when my back is on the yoga ball, even if I don't do crunches
To much talking
Hey Laura ,
Loved doing these abs workout … I have put on baby fat post delivery just trying to lose it … Just 2 exercise which I found difficult the roll in on ball and the last one .. I feel the ball is little too big these workout .. What size of the ball u r using ..as I am using 65 cm and my height is 5"2 .. Could b the reason I am finding it difficult to do theses 2 workouts .. Plz suggest more workout for abs ..
Please do suggest workout for upper body …
ik hou
im going to try this and I've had three back ops…will let you know and yes I will be careful 🙂
i try that its good thanks laura 🙂
Thank You, Thank You. I have a good shape except for my abs. I cant wait to get started.
Thank you for this Stability Ball workout, I really love working with ball 3>
Great exercises. You look terrific!
Just bought my stability ball… Can't wait to start this workout today!.
thank you. I love your workouts!
Hiya love the video how long do you think it would take to get Abbs like yours and how often would you need to work out and how long. X
this is very fun! I just bought a stability ball and your exercises are easy to follow and have a great burn! Thank you 😀
Just got a stability ball over the weekend and as always, I'm checking out your channel for a workout video first! As always a cracking video! Watching through for the first time before actually doing it, not sure how I'll manage with the ball pass – I think my belly is going to get in the way – haha. Fantastic inspiration as always 🙂
And how do you get your ball so bouncy when it looks like it is losing air? When it feels like it's deflating?
Awesome I'm trying to get my tummy right after baby number 5! Almost there just need to lose some extra fat and skin. This looks like it can help me 🙂
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