SCUMBAG! Sheryl Swoopes LEAKS PRIVATE Caitlin Clark DMs as VENOM toward WNBA Rookie Phenom CONFIRMED | Nancy Lieberman was put on the Dallas Wings broadcast on Sunday.
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Caitlin Clark plays on a different league while her competitions playing drama
White girl gets shoe deal????? OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WNBA is a black league, always was.
We need a separate league period
Blowing away???
Bruh what’s with the hyperbole??
Just the fact that Clark’s rookie stats are on-par or slightly better than Swoopes MVP is more than enough evidence.
But saying “BLOWING AWAY” is dumb AF, because it’s not true- and makes Caitlen supporters look like they need to lie to prove their point—
Which isn’t true .
Another real classy move
All you will have to Do is Compare Swoopes and Clarks Rookie Seasons at the END of the Season and See Who Was BETTER !!! My Guess is Clark with All Her RECORDS !!!
About time she was silenced,
Put in her place how it should've been from day 1.
Swoopes did it herself all she had to do was keep her mouth shut!
Caitlin can't help that people like and admire her. She isn't asking for any of it, she is just playing basketball
Clark is all skill and class. Swoopes is a jealous, bitter, envious racist fool.
Ur comments are purely racially motivated sad but bet u didn’t watch until u got a white savior or face of the league it’s people like u that cause this division. Clark is great but she is not so far from the other greats who proceeded her nor is her physical gifts and play style that different to where it will revolutionize the sport. Her greatest deserves views and praise but explain to me why taurasi or Hammond didn’t get this treatment bc politically and racially divisive!!! Let Clark be great without using her as a weapon of hate.
It's this simple. Swoopes, Reese, and all the other jealous clowns losing they're minds over CC,………are angry because a lil white girl is coming in the league and making ALL OF YOU,….PAST AND PRESENT,…….look like clowns. And your ALL mad AF about it. Period!!! And to be clear,……they are making about race.
Do we sense a little RACISM against Caitlyn Clark. What a disgrace from a former player.
Keep. Digging. Your own hole. Sheryl .Who are you .hasbin. goodbye. Genius .
She's proven that Racism is still going strong within.
If CC was black, she would be put on the best friend list !!
Like Tiger did? I don’t remember that……
Yet another difference between white and black. When Tiger Woods started golf. No white players or fans said anything derogatory about him. Even when he became a star. Yet a great white player in that lame WNBA league gets retaliation from black lesbians. Just because she's white and she's already better than 95% of that league
Swoops spoke at my elementary school when i was in 5th grade. I grew up. She is apparently still going there.
Swoops is just a scumbag. Leaking private dm’s. Is just disgusting and despicable. Swoops should be fired. Caitlin Clark should think about leaving the WNBA. Does everyone know what would happen if Caitlin left the WNBA. It would go bankrupt over night.
The WNBA doea not deserve CC
So now all of a sudden, Steven a Smith is he called racism, but almost 8 years of his mouth run around calling people races against blacks, but yet now a black woman goes against a white woman. There’s nothing said about racism and I can’t watch it no more I’m done.
Swoopes:a bitter, resentful, jealous, failed, medioca person who happened to play WNBA ball, left at the station when the money train pulled out….
That was a total phoney and self-serving move by Swoopes. So easy to see through. And on top of that, she showcased Clark's class and professionalism. After Swoopes who flat out lied about her, she still showed grace.
N- women in the wNba not professional at all.
The hearts are them liking each other's messages🙄
No it's only swoopy…Caitlin doing her number to be crush her and her was using umbrella towards and throwing all kind a shade
She’s just proving how bad the wnba is, not how good she is.
Swoopes proves blacks can in fact be racist!
Babe Ruth hit bombs when the average pitcher threw 70 mph. Now there are nearly a hundred MLB pitchers who can hit 100. Swoopes played when your grandma was a ‘pro’. Just some context.
Is anybody really surprised at any of this?
I think everyone should have their own opinion and be able to voice it. She apologized to CC
Swoopes is racist jealous and a low life. Fire her already
Why cant swoop come out publicly to apologize, sending private messages pretty much says your not that much accountability
Swoopes is a jealous buffoon!!!
Just put CC in the NBA then we can go back to not watching the wnba
Nothing but hateful democrats and leftists who hate people because of their skin color and identity while claiming victimhood. Smh
Can we just have the NBA draft CC to like the Warriors? I think that would fit her better. WNBA doesn't deserve her.
Sheryl Swoopes is the Donald Trump of the wnba.
It's jealousy and racism. Sheryl got herself dumped. MBA loved what Caitlin has been doing!
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