INSTANT REGRET! Lisa Leslie OLIBERATED for ABSURD Angel Reese Caitlin Clark Social Media Post! WNBA | Indiana Fever rookie is dominated the league while the Chicago Sky are in a serious slide.
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obviously Lisa Leslie is of the type that thinks there should not be a winner everybody deserves a trophy
How ridiculous…AR can stand and let them pad her stats all day…this is not basketball…it’s losing and that’s fine with AR…CC is the only one to get the rookie of the year award 🏀🏀🏀🏀Nj
😂 Reese is a nothing special.
This is not a competition anymore Caitlin Clark by far is a much better player than Angel Reese and the stats show it. They created a double double just so this person Reese could have stats if you’ve looked at both of those players you have to be totally blind or totally insane or just a racist to believe anything else.
So when Angel was leading the race, it was hers to lose. Now that CC is leading, it should be a participation award. Shits lame
It’s the equivalent to when the presidents wife tried to invite Iowa to WH with LSU. It’s absurd to even mention when there a clear winner and loser
U.cant fix stupid
when everyone is special no one is😊
Elite rebounder😂
Most of those rebounds are from her missed layups
As I heard on another podcast….Dennis Rodman is not better than Michael Jordan
Anyone saying Clark deserves mvp is an idiot. Wilson deserves that… Also ppl need to stop comparing clark and Reese because both of them play different positions and do their jobs well
Both Rodman and MJ for MVP
I feel badly for Angel Reese. Big sports people have blown this whole situation up and she’s been caught up in this. Even her coach is pushing this. I think her mental health is probably stressed to an extreme. This situation has put her into a losing corner that sets her up for humiliation. This is bad for her. She’s young. It would be natural for her to be confused and hurt by all this attention. Fortunately, CC is on the other side of a lot of this hype and she won’t take advantage of the situation or Angel. I bet CC feels sorry for her too.
Unfortunately, most people are not looking at AR correctly. This is her coaches', media, handlers, and Sky's fault. Her double/doubles should be for rebounds and assists. Not to mention that Karmilla is SO much better. AR would serve her team better coming off the bench and kicking the ball out for the assists instead of put backs.
Skin color tribalism? Aka racism?
Catlin Clark, is 100 percent Rookie of the year as well MVP.
Need to get Salty Cracker in Here for a 1 of a kind take on this 🤣😂🤣
To make the rebounds useful, you need to turn them to points , you don't win if you have the most rebounds , you need to cash them in points or assists , this how you win and be number 1 .
Anyone who says that angel Reese should get the ROTY is only saying it because they're afraid to get canceled. Especially if they're black. Cardoso should ask for a trade
Helllll noooo. If CC doesn't get it solo then it's all BS. There's nothing wrong with coming in 2nd but it looks like if reese's pieces can't win it alone there's an agenda that no-angel has to ruin it for CC. Sucks it's based more on race then skill.
😂 to quote a great this game will always be about buckets😂
Caitlin Clark has literally 200 more points than Angel
Grown men that love talking about WNBA
Western society has fallen smh
You can tell who I tribal like the guy who makes these videos it’s like it gets him off
"You don't compare Rodman to Jordan"……at least Rodman was good at rebounding AND defense, unlike Reese, missing the defense…….
It looks like the Sky are actively downplaying to get the 1at pick this year in the draft. Cheap and underhanded on both cases.
The purpose of the MVP award is to recognize the player who has made the biggest impact to their team and the league as a whole. There is no legitimate comparison between Reese and CC. The Jordan / Rodman comparison is perfect. Wake up America!
Lisa Leslie needs caulk
if you have to start a statement with " I don't care" then I am not listening to what you are saying cause it don't mean nothing
Is it time for separation of awards? white and black Roty? L straight? It would solve some of the animosity towards CC
And another dummy tarnishes her legacy by an ignorant comment
All these different WNBA legends keep changing what it takes to be the ROTY award. One says whoever makes the playoffs. One now says share the award. They are trying so hard to keep angel reese in the conversation. But since caitlin clark is kicking ass in every category but rebounds they continue to change how the WNBA ROTY award is won and they will continue until angel reese gets it. If she does get it then the WNBA deserves to fail
This is what happens when the sport media bring race politics into sports
We know who the true racist are
This BS "Solution" was trotted out Months Ago, and Promptly Ignored, as it should be.
"Splitting The Baby In Half was discounted Long Long Ago
This is Participation Trophy kind of Nonsense
Leslie too is delusional. Makes no sense that former and current WNBA players are so ‘woke’ and entitled. How about earning your keep instead of pleading for handouts. There’s no way Angel should even be in the running for “Roty”.
Sounds Democratic, If I can't win it, steal it!
These role models like swoops say all this crazy crap and lie and be so damn petty , which causes somebody like myself who is just a regular bball fan to turn on angel Reese. Because of the bullshit there saying. It’s so sad. I have nothing against Reese as well. I now find myself having to root against Reese
Rodman vs Jordan!!🙄🙄
So happy people are finally seeing the truth about CC. Where are the men in the nba cmon come to the games and start babysitting and helping these women. It’s so sad to see the comparisons of the W to the nba
I’m from Australia and never watched the wnba until CC came along. That should say enough. I’m not here coz of ar that’s for sure. The raising up of ar needs to stop because she ain’t done shiiiii to bring eyes to the game nor butts in seats.
Do you remember how Angel went ballistic after Jill Biden suggested BOTH teams come to the White House to celebrate Women’s basketball. ? Just sayn’
If Caitlin Clark turned around and left the game right now the Wnba would look like pulling the plug out of a bathtub and they would go down the drain 😮😮
Reese hype is pure politics. It's a counter agenda to CC's superstar popularity and accomplishments because of racial bias.
Why else is Sheryl Swoopes acting so abnormally dismissive toward Clark? Her takes are asinine, deluded, and unreasonable.
How many records does CC have as a rookie
Look Folks,,, BARBIE LOST…🍼🩱🧴🧢🧷🧱🧱🧱,it's .OVER😁
CC is impacting the wnba and generating tons of fans like no other wnba player has ever done…it reminds me of Michael Jordan’s impact in the NBA when he was a rookie…fans in both home and away games would go crazy over MJ and what he brought to the game was priceless!!!
Lisa Leslie is a prime example of what a DEI brainwashed person sounds like…CC has done everything possible to show and to prove to the haters that she is THE UNANIMOUS ROTY…we’ve already seen and realized that Reese is NOT better than CC…since when does a rookie get to have a 22% field goal percentage and who doesn’t make her teammates/team better (0-4) and does nothing but artificially inflate her stats deserve to be rewarded with an honorable award like ROTY…. Leslie and Swoopes need to find another profession to hate on because their bigoted brains and woke agenda are embarrassing the hard working women of the wnba…🎤🔥
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