SML Jeffy's 20th Birthday is 8/10, FINALLY We Get Jeffy's Backstory and The Way it Was All Put Together is Perfect, We Also See How Nancy Meets Jacques Pierre François, Good Thing That Nancy Did Not Come Back For The Thrid Time in Future SML Videos and They Did Not Forget to Mention Brooklyn Guy's Birthday, The Backstory Was SO Sad, I Even Cry When I Saw the Bad Stuff That Was Happening to Jeffy and FeeBee😭
I'd like to see a scene of jeffy protecting marvin like he did with feebee, really says how much he cares about him considering the amount of stuff he's done for jeffy
Daddy where are you its been years😢
4:05 this contradicts the Jeffy's parents video
Dude Jeffy cooked cj he littarly trough him out the window
Jeffy almost can play grownup arcades
Whi do you have Greek money
Jeffy should still be abused Nancy was in the right the whole time.
Can you change the characters instead of leaving them in the same place they always are
Sml has fallen off, the old febee story where she got ran over was peak story telling. This is just cheap garbage to try to make us feel bad
This is just gross especially since you have characters crack jokes after grape scenes you forced in to make us feel bad
Your trying to hard to make this story sad
Does Chilly voice feebee?
I Think SML Jeffy's 20th Birthday Is Better Than Last Year SML Jeffy's 19th Birthday Video👍🎂🎉🎉
SML Jeffy's 20th Birthday is 8/10, FINALLY We Get Jeffy's Backstory and The Way it Was All Put Together is Perfect, We Also See How Nancy Meets Jacques Pierre François, Good Thing That Nancy Did Not Come Back For The Thrid Time in Future SML Videos and They Did Not Forget to Mention Brooklyn Guy's Birthday, The Backstory Was SO Sad, I Even Cry When I Saw the Bad Stuff That Was Happening to Jeffy and FeeBee😭
wow…. this made me cry
Now we know about Jeffy he’s also half French
The ending Put a smile on my face but his childhood wasn't the best but happy birthday jeffy
15:19 Jeffy the badass 😳😳😳
Oh i don't know tha-that jeffy had a bad childhood i had one too
Anyways HAPPY birthday jeffy ❤❤❤
A.guard the cage
B. Come with Jeffy
C.Jump cj
Jones Carol Davis Sarah Lopez George
There are 1 girl what happen to here
Dang poor Jeffy
Jeffy's 20th birthday is the best
The Goat of SML
Mr. Winkle is gonna be rageful on what happend to his Brother.
I'd like to see a scene of jeffy protecting marvin like he did with feebee, really says how much he cares about him considering the amount of stuff he's done for jeffy
Guess WHAT I Just helped my mom make tacos.
Aw baby come back 4:15
❤❤❤ 0:20
Dam this was so sad bruh. Why did i tear up as a 17 year old bruh😭😭😭
16:15 16:16 16:17 16:18 16:19 16:20 16:21 16:22 16:23 is sad
Brooklyn guy is 47 years old now
Why did the queen go to the dentist cuz she broke her crown hahahahahha for shout out block my name and profile pic
The part where cj takes Feebee is sad 🙁
15:30 IM DYING
I want Jerry’s 21st birthday if this is this 👍
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