Top 5 Scariest Forgotten Horror Movies
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Top 5 Scariest Horror Movies From The 80’s
Travelling at such breakneck speed, horror cinema can sometimes feel like a dime a dozen when it comes to movies that are actually worth watching. When we really get down to brass tacks though, there are a staggering amount of horror flicks released each year – and since the 1970’s, an average of 250 feature films per year were released into the visual slipstream of horror. Now though, that number has skyrocketed – and an average of 900 films per year are released worldwide, including independent cinema. And although we wish we could, there are only so many hours in a day, and it’s difficult to find the time to fully digest some of the greatest flicks vastly forgotten by horror cinema. But – that’s why we’re here, right? So let’s take a look.
#scary #forgotten #top5
Video Edited By:
Dylan Lamovsek :
Hosted By:
Jack Finch Instagram: @twocoatsjack
(1:19 – 1:29)
(0:43 – 0:53)
(0:00 – 0:10)
(2:02 – 2:12)
(0:57 – 1:07)
(0:21 – 0:31)
5 – Roadgames, 1981 –
4 – Parents, 1989 –
3 – The Gate, 1987 –
2 – Opera, 1987 –
1 – Cronos, 1994 –
Scream a slasher masterpiece? I just threw up in my mouth. It's awful and you know it.
All of these are 80’s movies! Only 1 is 90’s
Crawl space??? Blinking… if you come out with more please include
They beat the meat real good on parents
Thank you for including The Gate. I love that film. Always loved the eye in the hand scene.
I love the possessed shirt broski. We miss ya jack
Fright night part 2 from 1988 is one I just revisited last night. I had it on VHS as a kid and although def not as good as the original it’s story of its existence is very strange.
The gate was my favorite ❤
Road games sounds good
Pumpkinhead 1988
Seeing 'the Gate' mentioned made me think of 'Dreamscape', from this same period.
Anybody remember Strangeland? I watched that with my father when I was like 15… Was a very uncomfortable experience.
listening to all the people asking for shoutouts in the comments sort of reminds me of the Foamy Fan Mail videos by Ill Will Press
I loved The Gate!
Is there any drama movies or horror movies of or thriller movies of women getting electrocuted at fuse boxes can you find out anything from the 70's or 80's horror or thriller about a women getting electrocuted out of fuse box
Road have I not seen it?
The Gate!
I haven't met anyone else that's actually seen and appreciated that one. Made me a bit paranoid concerning walls 😀
Where is Jack
Gate was the best. Even more freahllpky is the little demons m nightmares.
I'm glad to see Cronos was mentioned, many people have seen Pan's labyrinth, and some have seen Devils Backbone, but very few have seen Cronos.
I love Parents, saw that movie on VHS years ago, seriously creeped me out.
Oh, Cronos, you broke my heart. Brilliant movie making.
One classic forgotten but a good one called " She Devil", 1957 directed by Kurt Neuman, starring Mari Blanchard. Her hair changes color from a medical experiment.
OMG finally The Gate made a list!!! I love it! It scared everyone at my 13th birthday. I love that movie! Thanks for finding it Jack!
Too funny: I was binge watching and was going to suggest Roadgames and here it is! Not sure why it's so forgotten. It's really great.
The gate is one of my favorite horror movies ever
I love The Gate!! Stephen Dorff was Glen and Terry was his friend that danced with his dog. Cronos is scary both films are amazing
Salute for recognizing "Parents".
Road Games is great and is getting a Scream Factory BluRay release soon.
The fact that the number one spot is a jojo reference lol.
Why does no one choose Fido or Deaf Girl. Those are wonderful Dead Girl is not for the faint of heart.
Opera was released in other countries. I watched it at the movies.
Check, check, check, every single one of these móviles, opera and the gate, my favorites.
Love opera. One of my favorites from argento.
I feel like this channel is the best shot I have to figure out a movie I haven't seen since the 80's. It seemed like it was in either Louisiana US or something with Voodoo or people getting turned into zombie birds. Any ideas guys?
That golden device in the Cronos movie makes me think in the mask from Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
Ever seen Innocent Blood? It is a good vampire, mobster, horror, black comedy.
The Gate is one of my all time favorite Movies
loved the gate !!!
Ok now, heard of The Gate but haven’t watched it. Never heard of the others but will add to my list 👍
shaved head suits you dude 😍😈😍😈
Basket case is very special, that is all I going to say. How many creature features are there? I would like to see more of these movies please. Have a great day and a groovy tomorrow.😎
Love you as a host you do such great work keep it up videos are awesome
Watched The Gate when I was a kid. Love It! And Cronos was good too 😎😉😊
Lmao! Lucy!!! 1:13 🤣
Opera is my favorite Argento film!
the gate is on netflix
A Guillermo Del Toro movie I've never heard of? Man I love this channel.👍
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