It’s funny how some things aren’t funny anymore. For this list, we’ll be looking at comedies that wouldn’t be made today, either in whole or in part, because they include material that’s outdated or objectionable to modern audiences. Our countdown includes “Heathers”, “White Chicks”, “Porky’s”, and more! What movie do YOU think could never be made today? Let us know in the comments!
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#Controversial #Movies #Comedy
Which of your faviorite comedy movies do you think could never be made today?
"It's funny how some things aren't funny anymore." Umm what? All this shit is STILL funny.
The Ritz.
In this day and age, people wine and cry about everything,its really ridiculous if you sit and think about how times have changed in less then 15 years, the world is full of cry babies that think there opinions matter and then say how offensive something is lmao, go cry about it
the funny thing about every single “you couldn't make this movie today” person is that they never seem to understand what actually made the movie in question work.
and that's before we get to the fact that "what gets made" has as much to do with the economics of the movie business as it does anything else. "this big budget comedy from the 70s couldn't get made today!" yeah it couldn't, because studios don't make big budget comedies anymore!
(in fairness, i am also a "you couldn't make this movie in today's climate" guy but for mid-budget erotic thrillers.)
one last thought on this: although i think the tarantino scene in pulp fiction is terrible irrespective of the language — the whole thing just grinds the film to a halt — the biggest problem is really that tarantino can't act. put in, like, buscemi and it is much improved.
Blazing Saddles was one of the best movies 😂 still watch it
They literally made Borat 2 a couple years ago
After the 2010s audiences got way too sensitive. They try so hard to make something offensive instead of focusing on the surface value of the jokes
Borat was nothing compared to Bruno.
That's why today's comedies are garbage
How is the 1970s movie watermelon Man not on here guy goes to be white wakes up black 😂
This list makes me sad 🙁 Nerds and Porkys….Greatest Movies Ever
The commentator on this video is so woke 😅
I think it’s sad that we can no longer use our imaginations with movies. If we keep on this same trajectory every movie in the future will be about the same thing and they will all be politically correct. I’m hoping someone will break the mold soon.
Gonna watch all ef em today one by one
That's why i love these movies
White Chicks is offensive but Dylan Mulvaney, Rachel Levine, and Lia Thomas prancing around like idiots pretending to be women is brave?
And isn't the storyline for Soul Man the life story of Elizabeth Warren?
I wish movies like Porky's are still being made today. Today's generation is incredibly sensitive and it's becoming annoying. I'm 21 and I love watching 80s teenage comedies, it made my introverted teen life more fun. But they gave me false expectations of high school, I tought high school was gonna be similiar to American Pie movie but it turned out to be a totally depressing place. That's why these comedies would brighten my day and I'm thankful for them existing in this dark age.
White Chicks is the best comedy movie of all time
When did people started being born without spines ?
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