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dosn´t they get help from Gouverment?? Her in Germany you get for each Kid Money cold."Kindergeld".it is a Bonus for having Kids and with 8 Children you can get a Gouvermant rental Aparment or even a House.
Eww the older sons not helping out as much as the oldest (middle child) girl is so annoying. You popped those kids out and can’t even care for them, irresponsible parent.
I don’t have that many siblings
If you feel bad then stop having damn kids! You can’t look after them don’t have them
The parents are awesome🤣
Korean raise their kids in a strange way, they are spiking their kids
Kids must learn to take responsibility especially if it is their things like folding cleaning their cloths plates and help in the kitchen
I have 11 brothers and sisters since I am the oldest girl. I should have helped my mom. Take care of them. Since the age of nine. It is difficult for a child who wants to play. You know. But what do we do! I can’t let my mom bear all this alone ☹
I get mad looking at her sons request ketchup! Such a lazy boy..go fetch yourself..
What a selfish mom. Because of her insane desires, her daughter suffers. I hope she’s aware of that and do her duties as mom- after all, she was the one who wanted 8 of them.
The song
Sound so familiar
Fruits basket?
Obviously, South Korea isn't facing a population crisis, everything is fine.
Hell no. No thanks. They’re not even old but kids age you especially 8…
Ape kabar ama gen halilintar
I will never understand why we oldest kids had to take care of everything even tho our parents were the ones wanting more and more children ^^ I have been taking care of my sisters and the chores since I was 6. I love my sisters but while they were enjoying their childhood, I was already like a mum at the age of 6
So adorable kids.
People are hating on the mom because of the eldest daughter working but in a different episode it shows that the mom works a lot too people can’t just hate on someone if they don’t know their complete story, yes I feel bad for the eldest daughter but like the mom works to so can’t y’all please just stop hating on the mom because she actually WORKS TO.
Jesus so many kids I’d go crazy
Birth control sis
I really don't see the purpose of having this many kids in a modern society.
His husband told her to not have babies anymore but she really wanted to have more..
Look at that crazy life their eldest daughter have to suffer
❤️ my oldest son helps me so much. We wouldn’t be able to homeschool if the kids weren’t so cooperative.
My mom has 9 kids and I have 2 nephew and 6 cousins that awlys comes to my HOUSE😐😒❕❕❕❕❕
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