Today there are festivals in more parts of the world than ever before–and ticket prices are higher than ever before. Why are festivals so expensive? Read more about how big stars maximise their take from tours here: https://econ.st/30ktI6U
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Boomtown is full of chavs on cheap drugs now lol
The 3rd class citizens aren't welcome…
it'll go abroad recycle ♻️
saw documentary
🎯 Key points for quick navigation:
🎪 Running a festival involves meticulous planning and a vast array of logistical considerations, resembling the setup of a small town.
🎶 The shift in the music industry's economics, particularly with the rise of streaming, has heightened the importance of touring for artists, resulting in increased performance fees.
💰 Consolidation in the festival market by companies like Live Nation and AEG Live has led to higher ticket prices and a more uniform festival experience.
🌍 Despite the global expansion of festivals, attendance has declined, partly due to the homogenization of festival experiences.
🎭 Some independent festivals have differentiated themselves by focusing on creating unique experiences beyond just the lineup of performers.
🎟️ While headlining acts may attract attendees initially, the overall festival experience is the primary reason most people buy tickets.
📱 Festivals capitalize on the digital age by offering immersive experiences and providing opportunities for attendees to document and share their experiences online.
🔮 Future festivals may emphasize transformative experiences, positioning tickets as investments in personal growth and self-discovery.
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I always go BECAUSE of the artist. That suprised me to hear the opposite
"j'y étais" mentality is tiresome, even more so for the people living it
8mil for 30min performance is crazy like why do people need to get paid that extreme 8 mil she can literally coast the rest of her like after that 30mins
one example Festivals speakers are very heavy because I own one and I've been around one since the age of 6 ngl no cap
Entertain us! OK!
$500. Bucks
Buying out competition shallows the market. It’s a lot cheaper to go to a bar than a festival.
Does someone knows what is the music at the beginning ?
The U.K. festivals are way better planned out than U.S. festivals for example Coachella is not well planned out for the concert goers. Paying $500 something dollars (General Admission) and there are lines for everything means they don't really care about the people attending. Not to mention the heat and lack of cold water at the water stations.
Everybody needs to hear this!!!
I don’t think festivals are expensive lol. I saw Metallica by themselves and it was over 100 bucks for the ticket… then I saw them play at a rock festival with 60 other bands and they themselves played two different sets… for 200 bucks
Greed! Most attendants today can afford to say they were there without actually watching the show.
Looks like fun
Large festivals are basically cities and you need a lot of infrastructure, staff, supplies, and of course talent to make it all work. And that costs a lot of money.
nuts to know people is not going for the artist, seems like rich beahaviour and i cant undersertand it
This actually seems right to me as far as how artists make $. Putting out a record then collecting residuals forever seems…lazy, going on tour is doing the work & you should get paid for WORKING.
Festivals are not expensive. If you are able to pay for a gig in arena 50-100 (euro, p's, dollars) then 200 is nothing if you think how many artists is there during that two days(or more).
The real question is why do certain artist charge more just to see them than a festival ticket costs
I barely go fests but preparing to go 2 concerts in general is stressful. The websites have awful at giving accurate information on where to buy tickets. Low level or volunteer servant employees
thats why i like festivals like senstation black in the 2000s because the overall experience was more about different themes and stories like they had a future scifi space theme with aliens and so on
Wells Fargo is on the center of the money crimes crises. Naples Florida and Cleveland Ohio csme up with zero interest a set back for federal government money that lasted years. Right now they are taking cash out of the system in bill and transferring brinks to boxes for the elites.
I used to like to go to concerts but not this experience BS. IF your life is lacking so much in experience that you have to buy into it, I am so sorry.
It's also funny how the prices skyrocket, but the quality of music plummets.
Ezzz mathys
Now we need that expensive music festivals.
This festival looks weak.
I never buy festival tickets for a lineup, I buy it for the communal experience. If I wanna see an artist I buy a ticket to a solo show
HAWKFEST will never die and it will always be independent!the best festival ever!
the first festival i went to i asked my son a simple question name at least ten bands you wanna see there he did and it was download 2017 i dont personally thin k its that expensive cause of venue prices for a single band concert compared to a festival overall price structure
Then covid came
'atmosphere' lol
agrarian economy of commodity -> industrial economy of goods -> service economy -> experience economy
I've only been to European rock festivals, but considering how many bands and artists you get to see in 4 days or so, i'd say the price isn't that high. If you were to go see all of these artists individually you'd pay 100 times more
INCREDIBLE- Thank you for sharing this !! Very inspirational and wants me to align what I do with a bigger calling of creating transformational experiences. Truly powerful – keep it up! 🔥🥒🙌🎧✨
I did it about three weeks ago. I learned a lot about it on the Woodglut website. Check.
For me Pop music is not a festival
coucou elsa <3
Because they're scams?
This prices are nothing when you compare it with the '538 Oranjedag' event in Holland hihi, prices for tickets for this (corona)event can be cost thousends of euros😂💸
Music festivals = rich kids only
Glastonbury is not expensive in my opinion, it’s the best 5 days of the year. Putting on that monster is costly. They don’t pay so much to the acts because for eg Lionel Richie played the legends slot on Sunday afternoon, the next day his greatest hits album went to number 1, 10 years after release when it didn’t come close to number 1. Profits go to local charities and others such as water aid. My favourite place in the world. Even when it’s not on during the year it’s my favourite place to walk. 👍🇬🇧
ticketmaster greed is a big problem. i feel sad for todays youth. I grew up in the 70s, we made our own experiences. We had field parties, an open field, a flatbed truck a generator and some kocal bands (and kegs of cheap beer)
They're expensive cause they need the land, the artists, the food and sometimes the hotels.
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