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While editing might sound like the simplest part of a movie’s production, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not just putting footage in a timeline; it’s determining everything about how that movie will be perceived. In the editing room, a movie’s entire tone can change on a whim. No big deal, right? It’s only everything. An editor—often working side by side with the director—has the ability to reshape the film as they see fit. However, as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility—a maxim the editors of the movies on this list couldn’t live up to. Here are movies that were ruined by really bad editing…
Justice League | 0:34
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | 1:46
Alien: Covenant | 2:37
Transformers: Age of Extinction | 3:17
The Snowman | 4:12
Suicide Squad | 4:58
Fantastic 4 | 5:50
Taken 3 | 6:33
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones | 7:20
Read more here → http://www.looper.com/100074/movies-ruined-bad-editing-upgrade/
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What other poorly edited films should've made this list?
Ralph Breaks The Internet while a very bad film already was utterly ruined by it’s ending too.
what about Catwoman where every cut is 1/10 of a second? especially the basketball scene
movies that are really bad and the ending is also really bad
Most of these examples are bad screenplays not bad editing.
Oh how wrong you were
I hated how in Justice League they made The Flash seem so childish and stupid, it was almost as if they were making fun of the dude
Batman and The flash
Iron man and Spider Man
Star Wars"Attack Of The Clones" Is perfect it has perfect ratings I'm sorry but it had good editing.
I never thought transformers had a bad edit in there. I thought it was funny
Star Wars attack of the clones is better than sequel trilogy
I agree with your analysis of the majority but I do make an exception for Justice league & Batman vs Superman dawn of justice. I think both Justice league and Batman vs Superman dawn of justice were not ruined by any bad editing, in fact they are very good movies. They would have flaws like any other film but it is not fair to say they were ruined by “really” bad editing. In fact they had good editing along with other good attributes. I agree with your analysis on the rest of the movies though, the rest were affected by bad editing.
What movie is it 0:11?
What the reason of calling it transformers if mostly of the screentime goes to humans??
0:51 It’s not a problem, it’s a ME problem!
Your fake reasons for Attack of the Clones are duly debunked. Way to journalism.
Why is this video almost only talking about superhero movies?
Fantastic beast 2 deserves to be at the list it's so confusing the cgi isn't bad but the whole plot is so unclear
U are blaming editors for Alien Covenant and Transformer age of extinction!!!!
It's like blaming Hillary for how bad Trump is running the country
Taken 3 has a bad editing
These editings are more awful than my tree drawings
They made jumping a fence look fukn awesome
I liked some cinematography for snowman, and the locations seem beautiful(I love snow, so..) but it kind of sucked overall. I was expecting a nice ending that would wrap up the film nicely, so I would ignore the things I didnt like so much, but that never happened
as a justice league fan i disagree but as a fact 90% agree
honestly i can not see the cgi superman mustache, it look natural
me:thats amazing
other people:OMG they neEd A nEw EdItEr
They forgot Fire Down Below by Steven Seagal! Darn, it's so badly edited!
Resident evil the final chapter???
Wheres age of ultron?
I just want to know why they decided to make Johnny Storm a black guy?
Gal Gadot makes everything all better with JL.
And Fantastic 4 was just made poorly on purpose for On Cinema
you do not know what Editing means.
This video doesn't show any actual examples of bad editing. It just uses the footage from the films it critiques as punchlines to longwinded explanations for troubled productions that weren't fixed by the editors. Not very educational or informative.
That’s not him man those are just fake calls in offices
DC made Superman: Man of steel,
And also many on this list…
How can they screw up these films but not man of steel? They need to acknowledge which editors are good.
Its sad that dc movies are so bad at characterizing and telling stories bc they have some great stuff. But i guess its getting better, once zack snyder stopped shoving his emo vision down the audience's throats
Not racist, there cannot be a black flame in the four
Endgame should be on here if you ever make a second part
You don't know anything…BvS had a great editing of all DC. My opinion. Taken 3 and too fast editing ?? sorry but this is the best style for this action flick.
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