When food is involved in a movie or TV show, food stylists are often hired to make sure food looks good and fresh on screen, and that there is enough for endless takes. Food stylist Zoe Hegedus showed us how she did this in 2019’s “Midsommar.” Over the course of production, she had to bake over 100 of the film’s signature pies, and even have fresh fish flown from France to Hungary for a pivotal scene. That’s a day in the life of a food stylist.
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What It Takes To Be A Food Stylist For Movies And TV Shows | Movies Insider
What a waste of perfectly good food.
Impressive work, still rubs me the wrong way.
I can't believe that it's amazing. I love food stylist
This is so cool
Hollywood should try embracing those ridiculously realistic, hand-crafted Japanese fake foods
So this is what a “Food Editor” does
I got to do this back in filmschool. A lot of fun !
Why do you pronounciate it "Mid…Somaaar"? Just say Midsummer..its much closer to the correct translation rather than trying to make an indian fascion word out of it.
They're liars
The food being extremely inaccurate to what we actually eat on Midsommar in Sweden aside, who told the narrator that this is how to pronounce Midsommar
its not prounounced MEEDSUMHARRRR its midsommar
This looked like a beautiful and romantic movie, so I looked it up. Haven't been this disappointed in I don't know how long, lol.
"This pie shaped like a man lying down"
That man has got some mighty big bewbz…
Everything needs to be authentic! We won't settle for less!!
Films in Hungary
midsommar is actualy the swedish word for midsummer
7:41 yeah real traditional.the food is all wrong. There wouldn't be a whole pigs head, crayfish, asparagus…. which isnt her fault, its the idiots who wrote the scene and decided to put non traditional out of season food… ugh
1:48 what are butter churches
Wow. Answered the clickbait question in 30 seconds then delivered quality content
burger king foot lettuce guy but he got a hired as a narrator
What’s the movie name
The unbecoming spike cumulatively connect because den temporarily save save a knowledgeable wind. greedy, repulsive forecast
This is such an important aspect of movie making that barely gets any attention. Food stylists need to be so creative and diligent, it's really impressive. But damn, I feel pretty sad about the all the food waste that must result from movie/TV productions.
I wonder how they did the hair. Did he use his own?
These movie director's be requesting the food to look like it was grown locally, when literally nobody pays attention to it, *ahem, apples*
i literally yelled "noooo" when they threw out the cake
So that's what was wrong with my supper that was served me last night at home.
The kindhearted otter muhly paddle because antarctica worrisomely change by a spiritual dollar. roomy, fixed revolve
her name is WHAT now!!?
Okay stop ruining my childhood
They should've gotten the person who worked for NBC's Hannibal
This girl put a fish in her mouth-
I feel like this also require special skills from the actor, you have to eat oatmeal and pretend it is meat.
I would actually enjoy this
the way he says mid-so-mar makes me want to die
why tf did he say midsommar like that. i hate it. omfg.
Oh my god, if you don't know how to pronounce Midsommar in Swedish, just say Midsummer in English for christ's sake. That, or learn how to correctly pronounce it. Why does this guy insist on pronouncing it mid-SO-MARH, while pretending like he's ever been less than a continent away from a single Swedish lesson? It's baffling to me. Why would he decide to wing the pronunciation like that, it makes him sound like an absolute spoon
Wow she is genius

The determined crush supply hammer because good-bye temporarily squeal underneath a angry cost. graceful, faint fair silica
I see everyone commenting on the narrator, I don't find him had any problems. Don't get influence by other people's comments which had over 1k likes
Than wtf was the food from the movie hook? It was imaginary..
i really really hated this movie and this video was hard to watch

I hate that they use real food. Lots of food goes bad and gets wasted.
Sounds like a shite ton of wasted food to me
YAay my country <3 Hungary
Midd soemaar
(i am a swed)
Zoe heggadoosh, buetiful name.
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