Hopefully the video and title doesn’t come off as condescending because that’s definitely not the intention. That being said, what an ultra mediocre game. Not only that it doesnt have anything new, it doesnt even do anything particularly good. It’s the same thing we’ve seen time and time again. Is innovation dead in the hobby, or at least dead enough that a game like this can stay in the hotness for so long? (number 3 on BGG’s ‘Abstract’
category btw, wtf) It’s soooooo mid.
I really love it when games come out with something new (even though sometimes it could be gimmicky). It really annoys me that lazy rehashes like this gets rewarded instead, like what is even the point of coming up with anything new anymore in the hobby? Just rehash existing stuff (less effort, less risk, less work) and you get rewarded.
0:00 Intro & Setup
0:28 Rules
4:15 Variant
4:42 Review
5:13 Similarities to Reef
6:56 Similarities to Cascadia
7:34 Luck
8:44 Cards with Scoliosis lol
9:40 Closing Statements
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