I started programming this engine from scratch in my spare time about a year and a half ago. I’ve learned a lot about programming by making the engine myself. I hope to release it online but I still have more I want to add and bugs to fix but here is my tech demo showing what it can do so far!
Updated video here:
I’m also working on a 3rd person perspective:
Here is my first Tutorial!
second tutorial
Есть еще один интересный пример связки sfml + OpenGL - вариант клеточного автомата в 3D
But its still good
How you learned the programming and then programming of your own game engine?
hope this might be helpful anyone who would like game programming.
thank you.
but if you have short of time and have a busy schedule,
or lot of work burden and you have to submit other projects before C projects,homework or assignments just use the services by clicking
b u t h o w d o w e m a k e o n e l i k e t h e F o x E n g i n e ?
Please do the tutorials also as PDFs! Videos are very tiring. And make downloadable source code.
Thank you!
can i join to you ?
10 years c/c++ under windows, opengl, blender, now i am on linux c/c++ platform.
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