Algerian Patience Longplay (HTML5 Game)

– Algerian Patience Longplay (HTML5 Game) –

Algerian Patience is a solitaire card game where the objective is to move all cards to the eight foundations. It uses two decks, totaling 104 cards. Initially, six cards are dealt face-up to each of the six reserve piles. Then, one face-up card is dealt to each of the eight tableau piles, with the first four tableau piles receiving one additional card each. The remaining cards are placed face-down in the stock.

In the tableau, cards can be built in-suit both up and down, with ranks being continuous; for instance, a King can be placed on an Ace and vice versa. Only one card can be moved at a time, and any card can fill an empty tableau pile. Building on the reserve piles is not permitted; cards can only be moved from the reserve to the tableau or foundations. Clicking the stock deals two face-up cards to each reserve pile, except for the final deal, which gives one face-up card to each tableau pile.

The first four foundations are built up in-suit, starting with an Ace, while the last four foundations are built down in-suit, starting with a King.

Algerian Patience requires strategic planning and careful attention to the sequence and color of the cards for successful gameplay. Personally, It is one of the most challenging solitaire games I have ever played, second only to Spider and the more complex variants of Golf Solitaire.

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