Meghan McCain says Jennifer Lopez was a ‘deeply unpleasant’ guest on ‘The View,’ while speaking on alleged drama with the singer on her ‘Citizen McCain’ podcast. The former co-host of the daytime talk show goes on to call out the size of J.Lo’s entourage, which she claims was bigger than Kim Kardashian’s.
Meghan is always deeply unpleasant, completely ignorant and irrelevant.
Man I thought that might be some self-reflexional because Megan is a deeply unpleasant person… She's ridden her Dad's coattails to mediocrity. Every other sentence this woman ever said on the show started out My Dad a verb or Noun and some crap she never did.
She is unpleasant too, 🤔
Seriously Meghan was so bratty, deep unpleasant on the view. Delusional- know thy self. We watched the real Meghan Mc Cain be horrible on the view. Now no one wants her on TV. That’s on her! When u act nasty it will come back to you.
Side comment: I love the oversized jacket look (seriously!). Comfortable is key 🙂
Meghan was a deeply unpleasant person on the view.
Stil don't know her
The hosts on The view are toxic
Everyone knows that J-Lo is the worst. This isn't news.
I believe Meghan, l remember once on the Wendy's Williams show. The hot topic was JLo had the bathroom shut down just for her to use. Then when she was done they reopen it for the public
I guess game recognize game, huh Meghan? Hilarious. Meghan is extremely unpleasant and unlikeable. 😂
Dont like j lo. She stole my name. She sucks worst person ever
I love megan maccaine
Bro why is this NEPO McCain banshee talking? She’s never paid a penny in taxes. Quit voting for tyrants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😢
Was Meghan upset that she was not getting the attention? Meghan it is time for you
to grow up.
What ever
My best friend worked with Jlo one week for a show and she is normal very private and disciplined person
Meghan and you were unpleasant every day 😅 and you are out 🎉
j.lo. might not be pleasant but Megan's personality is abrasive. like chewing on a curb😢
Just cause its YOU!
You Suck meg 😐
Meghan is one to talk about being unpleasant. She’s just as awful.
I agree with her though pot calling kettle … She is insufferable 😩🤣… And The View is the biggest load of BS of a show I have ever seen. Their views are vile, Leftist, so woke they are in a coma… Can't stand any of them🤢
Neither one of them are good people, not a fan of either.
She doesn’t give any specifics..
I think they both need a enima
Meghan was deeply unpleasant on the view every single day.
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