Home games PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 (Console and Games Review) pt.1 – H4G

PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 (Console and Games Review) pt.1 – H4G

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Time to watch on our PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 review! We cover Street Fighter II CE, Bonk 2 / Bonk’s Revenge / PC Kid / PC Genjin 2, and Vigilante in part 1!


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#TurboGrafx16 #PCEngine #Review #RetroGaming


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@raypadilla254 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

It had a 8 bit CPU running at 7.16 MHz with a 21 bit address bus! It also had not one but two 16 graphics processors! And it could do more on screen colors than the Genesis 64 and SNES 256 it could do 241 for backgrounds and 241 for sprites, 482 on screen Total! For backgrounds it couldn't do parralax scrolling like the Genesis or SNES but it could do horizontal and diagonal line scrolling like nobody's business! Just look at Lord's of thunder or air zonk!!!!!

@TheRealJPhillips August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

It upsets me that VIGILANTE should have been a damn classic. The hit detection killed it. Waiting for a awesome hack of it

@drunkensailor112 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Always wondering. Whose collection are all these? Or do you combine them with all your friends,

@hernanmatias1428 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

I like your friend with the cat on his head

@wojiaobill August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

I love the politically correct engine

@Selous_Scout August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

I remember getting SF2 championship edition and a 6 button pad for my PC engine back in the day when my pals had mega drives and snes and for a while it was the only system for a while that you could play as the other 4 characters (trust me my house was the meeting point after school/college and work ) even up against the other home versions I thought it stacked up well for a 8 bit machine and this game was pushing the hardware to (remember it was 6 or 7 years old by the time SF2 CE came out)

@trevorthefilthyrat3742 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

man vigilante is probably the most patriotic video game
get to pumle skinheads ✊✊✊💪

@SalimOfShadow August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Vigilante in Italiano means :"Security Guard or Police officer that makes penality tickets"

@asmallbabby4205 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

PC Engine was 8-bit, the 16-bit marketing came from the memory bus which served the GPU.

@MultiScone August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

You need to keep head butting to float down…

@BatmanEnvy August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Hey guys. Great review. Do you have any game store recommendations in the Detroit area?

@Belgiumdoesnotkickas August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

it's an 8 bit console not a 16 bit console so i don't see their point of constantly comparing it to the genesis or the snes. atleast compare it to other 8 bit console. how can you even review things if you don't even know anything about it. quite dumb if i say so myself

@madseason5614 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

The Vigilante turbochip looks like a ladies being raped on it.

@desertpunk7167 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

where did you get a mini keg of baltika

@Knieghtz August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Midway trough this video i realized that we have reached the point where we have far to many "gaming" channels on youtube.

@supahdupahguy81 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

The bonus game in Bonks Adventure….

You're supposed to repeatedly press attack so you somersault down rather than just…..jump & fall…

@gamecollect101 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Cool, nice to see the younger crowd into this stuff great video.

@KaedeSmithOfTheKiller7 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

They released six button controllers for both the Genesis and PC Engine…

@ravagingwolverine August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Nice feature on a cool little system.  I just got into the system this past year and have a few of the core units including a white one, but I have a setup through which I can get RGB out of it so it's as good as my others.  All that bit talk is overstated.  Intellivision is a 16-bit system for instance.  It's more about what hardware features it has.

@zacharylunsford2 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Do review Wheel of fortune on SEGA CD plz

@Michirin9801 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

That game is called "Bonk's Revenge" Outside of Japan… And you guys are pretty bad at it… Sorry…
Oh and, the PC engine version of Street Fighter 2 easily surpassed the Genesis one and was almost on par with the SNES one…
If you got a 6 button controller for the system you could enjoy the game much better…
The same way you would enjoy better the Genesis version… (SNES still better though)

@invaderderp August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Great video. I hope to see more PC-E/TG16 and CD videos.
Most common complaint is that the system only has 1 controller port.
On the bright side, you only need 1 extension cable.

@Mr_x_19922 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

awesome chapter guys

@Kerannnng August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Hipsters…go eat your vegan mustache

@davidd3451 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Thanks for the review of the pc engine but i wanted to let you know the PC engine could easily do multi-scrolling backgrounds. Look at Air Zonk, blazing lazers aka Gun Head. Air Zonk has around 5 layers of scrolling backgrounds. The system was able to display more colors on screen then SNES and Genesis. Max colors on screen 512 out of a palette of 512.

@TheCodedtestament August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

It had a lot of potential. competing with the Sega genesis and even the Nintendo nes..was a chore..but the tg-16 found a following and produced some great games..that are still fun to play today! 

@bartsimpson83 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Moreso than the American Turbografx, the Japanese PC Engine has swiftly become one of my favorite consoles since I started playing it. There are a ton of awesome games that never made it to the US and many of the best ones don't require you to know Japanese to play. Now that prices are starting to come down to a more reasonable level (as opposed to how insane they were a couple of years ago), I would say it's a system that all retro lovers should have if they don't already.

@kingstonlj August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

It's an 8-bit console, as the cpu is 8-bit, but the graphics chip is 16-bit. Of course, you could do what SNK did with the Neo Geo, and say 8+16=24bit lol  As much as the PC-Engine is awesome and powerful, it does feel like a turbo 8-bit machine compared to 16-bit machines like the Genesis and SNES.  Of course, its best games are very impressive and can feel 16-bit at times.  I think its one of the coolest retro machines, with lots of really nice games.

@blatz4227 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

They had a Vigilante arcade cabinet in a local Ice Cream shop, near to where I live.  When they closed down, they sold it.  And I was out of town on the week that it happened.  Hm.

@jessegomez9693 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Also I got my Thrid GameCube

@jessegomez9693 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Theirs a Jabba in front of the 64DD

@Warzipp August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Man.. you guys had such a good run back in the day, all of your videos are great!  You got great info, 4 awesome reviewers and some good humor to boot.  I think its bullshit you guys only get 2k views a video.  Or maybe I'm just Hard4Games..

@GotGame August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

awesome stuff. always wished i could get a turbo express never realized sf2 came out for that, guess the pc engine had a much longer life span then the tg16.

@Craytonex August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Hahaha, he can't drink or he's just sober.

@avenuePad August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Fun review, guys! 😀

The TG/PCE is awesome. Although it wasn't technically a 16-Bit system, it's CPU was seriously over clocked allowing for fast and colourful games, which often compared nicely to the Genesis and SNES, if not besting them in some cases. It offered a much larger colour palette than the Genny and was MUCH faster than the sluggish SNES – see Raiden*.

Also, you could buy -yes, another add-on lol – a six button controller for SFII.

Again, loved the review and you have a new subscriber. 😀

@broshmosh August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

This was good, I look forward to part two. What percentage was that beer? It looked pretty tasty and the keg clearly went down well.

@maciv33 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

I actually had the TurboGrafix 16 prior to the Super Nintendo and I have to say that there are some fun games on the system, but most were  new paint jobs on exsisting games. On of my favorite games on the system was Keith Courage in Alpha Zones. Another game that some might have come across recenty is Dungeon Explorer. That game was basically Gauntlet with chracters that leveled up. Over all good video. I just wish the Turbo Duo got the regognition it deserves for being kind of inovative at the time since you didn't have to buy seperate games to play on it and could just use the Turbografix 16 games.
 Oh and Vigilante is a sequal to Kung Fu from back in the Arcade/NES days. Thats why it plays the exact same way.

@kohZeei August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

i like the fat guy most

@SirSteaven93 August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

A keg of Baltika in plain view? Sounds like you guys had a really "hard" time making this review

@HagenFlachmann August 11, 2024 - 10:14 am

Im really wondering why no one has made a PC Engine clone console yet.

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