Tobias Capwell is the curator of arms and armor at The Wallace Collection in London. Here, he reacts to seven memorable scenes featuring medieval weapons and armor and rates them based on their historical accuracy.
Capwell looks at armor and weapons within fantasy franchises, such as Eomer’s helmet in “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” (2002). Using artifacts from The Wallace Collection, Capwell addresses the realism of knightly combat in “Henry V” (1944), “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” (2005) and “Game of Thrones” (2011). Does chain mail look anything like it does in Netflix’s “Outlaw King” (2018)? And would armor deflect arrows as in “The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc” (1999)?
Tobias Capwell is an author, lecturer, broadcaster, and the curator of arms and armor at The Wallace Collection in London. He has been a horseman and martial artist since childhood, is a founding member of the modern historical jousting community, and has fought in major international tournaments all over the world. Capwell has written many books and articles on weapons, armor, tournaments, and knighthood, including “Armour of the English Knight 1400-1450,” “Arms and Armour of the Medieval Joust,” and “Masterpieces of European Arms and Armour in the Wallace Collection.” In 2015 he had the honor of serving as one of the two fully armored knights who escorted the remains of King Richard III from the battlefield at Bosworth to their final resting place in Leicester Cathedral.
Find out more about The Wallace Collection here:
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Medieval Weapons Expert Rates 7 More Weapons Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?
7:00 to be honest that actually makes this scene very accurate since he hasn’t ever held a sword before.
GoT got a lot of things wrong. I love that you are drilling them for improperly using their armour lol
7:16 To be fair, This was right after Peter was given the sword, so he pretty much had never held a sword in his life at this point lol
You should protect the eyebrows, but it looks weird to have people act with their eyebrows hidden.
The ditch guy said wedge formations are unrealistic and not practical, idk who to believe
He's pointing the sword at a wolf. How on earth is a wolf going to take it off him?
The chin strap is undone because he takes his helmet off soon after!! lol don’t hate on LOTR it’s PERFECT!!
How can you possible comme t on armour or anything in fantasy book, ludicrous. About as bad as this man taking part in combat in armour, you mean play acting, as no one's going to hit you hard are they. This is a joke
This guy, Rawlins (sword guy) and Konijnendijk (ditch guy) should have a thing where they just react to good historical movies together. Or bad ones.
Do they yell "fire" to order shooting arrows? because bow and arrow have no mechanism that need fire to shoot.
If you're not from the very century forget it bro …. Your ideas are doomed… No further motive
Bro did Game of Thones dirty.
You sir have a gorgeous helmet!
I LOVE that Army of Darkness got a 10/10!!!
The Wallace Collection is the most beautiful armory collection I have seen ❤ along with beautiful art in a beautiful building
This dude. I have so many questions.
Kind of like Richard the Lion Heart, hit with a crossbow bolt, and died a few days later. Greatest hero that ever lived.
As to Eomer's helmet, later on you can see him wearing it further down. Maybe it's that high just in this scene because he hadn't done up his chin strap.
My only issue is that Gilles de Rais was recently aquitted of his murders in France, due to there being evidence that he was framed by political rivals. (If I recal correctly)
The fact that 1940 film is the one that get it right is downright shameful for modern film production.
To be fair, when it came time to filming that scene, the helmet made for Karl Urban was nowhere to be found, so they had to just grab whatever helmet was on hand. As you can see, it was much too small. I do believe they tried doing the chin strap, but then he could barely talk.
Partly a logistical issue, partly an armorer issue (as they really should've had a second piece for a primary character; by which I mean someone with speaking lines and several close-ups)
Keep in mind they filmed all three Lord of the Rings movies in succession; there was a lot of chaos and moving parts to make the whole thing happen; so also understandable they could lose a helmet pretty easily.
the wedge formation is debatable. science not sure it even existed, says the guy who loves ditches.
I've watched like all the videos of this I can find easily, the "weapons experts rating scenes" and even at the end of this video they mention a movie named "Henry V" or w/e. Yet not one of the videos ever commented on the scene from "The King" that I always felt was a rather realistic depiction of a duel between 2 full plate combatants that are fairly young/inexperienced. So I kept clicking on the next video expecting to see it in at least one video, and I have to say I'm rather annoyed that it isn't included anywhere. Especially with all the ridiculous "sword fights" etc that ARE included like ANYTHING from "The Chronicles of Narnia" which is one of the most cringe movie series ever created lmfao. To even mention it in regards to anything that involved "medieval era" arms and armor is comical.
Bro lord of ring is fantasy
Gotta love how Narnia earns a 7. Deserved.
Im confused, ditchguy said wedgeformations did occur but there were no records of them beeing effective and the man on the tip of the wedge just gets pommeled from all sides. Having the kind there would be a worst case scenario
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