Unreal Engine 5 – Epic’s real-time 3D creation tool – is raising the bar for photoreal visuals and tactile, immersive environments. UE5 was released proper last year, with game development studios the earliest adopters of the tech, utilizing early versions to craft incredible looking games complete with immersive lighting and texture effects to unprecedented levels of natural detail.
They should really make prototype 3 on ue5
I have heard that Redfall will use Unreal Engine 4
the fact that a 10 year old with some roblox experience can drag and drop free 3d models and rigs and instantly have a gaming prototype for a shooter or thirdperson game makes a lot of these totall unimpressive. Lights and smoke and etc are all taken care of my Unreal engine out of the box.
Kingdom hearts 4 WYA
Ps5 hardware wouldnt be able to keep up
Would be good to see something other than action games, such as strategy, city builders etc
You guys might want to try MetaIsland! It's a multiplayer Metaverse Gamefi project located in a tropical island. This is the ultimate survival game knowing that the Island will dies if players won't participate. If the Island dies, they will lose their cryptos and in-game assets.
Jesus, too many FPS.
What about 5.1??
Someone please give us a UE5 Spiderman with a faster swing mechanic than the last one. Please, that's all I ask
Vigilance 2099 is not even a game lol its a bunch of marketplace assets
Not even going to put Stalker 2 in here?
Oh shit! I missed that they're making a new I.G.I. game. That series was really cool back in the day.
Was hoping you'd include Under a Rock, great list! Great to see some indies in there
I am not buying #6 because it is woke
How is Stalker 2 not on here??
Other than the last entry, Code almost everything else was a good pick. It isn't anywhere good looking as much as others were! Clunky animation and didn't feel like it is as much polished as it should have been to be on this list
Great video. I'd rather forgo any games by single person developers though. It's not like they'll ever see the light of day.
Should we just assume all these games are for the newer consoles? I know I know I should have a PS5 by now, but since up until now all the good games have been cross gen I felt no need to get one
Not all of this game is good! So, im not that interesting or even cant wait for the game until i saw the review 😂
Who gives a shit about Troy Baker? Asshole
God dammit, where's bloodborne remake
Vigilancer is a bounty hunting game everyone has been asking for, i just hope it actually comes out
Anything that says "free to play" is a scam and should be considered as so.
im so sick of hearing about unreal engine 5 there hasn't been one game come out yet that has it except that interactive movie in the matrix demo everywhere i look UE5 games this UE5 games that, brah devs can barely use UE4 without the game being a buggy mess so don't get fooled by all the crap no UE 5 game has a release date devs are scrambling in the workshop trying to figure it out, if you guys think that redfall will look and run that smooth like the gameplay reveal your having a laugh and even then that game is kind of cartoony looking makes sense for that to be the closest one to apparently release but who know……no release date -_-
Good stuff man
Sadly redfall is Xbox exclusive and therefore not worth playing.
nah red fall looks current gen,
#1 Shenmue 4!!!!!!
These games look Unreal
Shadow of Conspiracy: Section 2 is still alive??
Unreal engine is the best engine ever!
Imagine this engine being used for sports games.
Can't wait for STALKER 2
i.g.i origins looks amazing
Look forward to it on ps10
What about Atomic Heart?
Can't wait for devs to fully embrace developing for PS5/ X.
We all want timecodes from you
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