FreeDVDExploit is a new hack for the Sony PlayStation 2 that has been discovered by Security Researcher CTurt – it allows the user to boot homebrew games on an unmodded PS2 console via DVD Player exploits. In this episode we take a closer look at how it works and what I think I means for the future of homebrew on the PS2.
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Credits/Sources: CTurt
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#FreeDVDExploit #PS2 #MistakesWereMade
EDIT: 3.11 is working –
I just realized I’ve used the same dvd disc back in the days doing back ups😂
i remember being excited about this when it came out, then i bricked my 90004 model's disc drive with mechapwn a year later, but i'm still able to play anything but original games because i "bought" a 7000x series ps2 from my classmate for a lunch at mcdonalds and was able to set up funtuna
Can I do this with PS1 games, and play on the ps2?
This is old news
Yes! When I was a kid my dad had bought me a ps2 as a welcome gift to the usa! I played it so much. But whats different with it, was how much I used it for disks in general. My dad had a big disk collection of burnt CDs from a friend of his that had created some animated shows and movies, as well as some my dad burned on that were popular back then. He put them all in a nice little plastic disk holder which I still have, and I would always watch something on my ps2 with the disks. I had to sell all my old consoles in middle school in order to be able to afford building a computer, but my biggest regret will forever be selling my ps2 grey slim. I miss you buddy.
did he try it with PS5 😁
Oh cool, I did this over 10 years on our ps2, burning Roms to dvds blew my mind back then
this took me back to the years I downloaded japanese games just to play in ps2 that I opened with a plastic key after removing the tray
So how can I do this step by step
i got everything i need for making my own fmbc only to find out that my dvd version is 3.00E which is not compatible😒
does it work with opl and fmcb
I am in no ways a fan of pirating , but when I saw the price of DBZ Budikai online…
PS2 Master Race
Wish I knew about this before ruining my brand new PS2 trying to mod it as a kid with no solder iron. All was done with a knife, worked for other electronics but not for fine soldering like chips and such. Learned a hard lesson that day. In my defence I had no other options since games were WAY too expensive in my country and my kind mother was barely able to buy the console itself.
Isn't a modded fat ps2 still better over burned disc's?
For people that have not checked out ps2 emulators – there has been some amazing strides in the technology in recent years. The demands are not as crazy and it runs so smooth with lots of customization.
Anyone tried def jam fight for NY?
i wanna kiss the fox
we were doing this is long ago with disk swap via top opening shell
Man I just soft modded my PS2 last weekend live on the channel and checked my drive version it is 3.10U 😮😮😮😮😮
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