Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter Shiloh took out a newspaper ad stating her intentions to legally change her name and drop her dad’s surname. More than a month after submitting paperwork to drop the “Pitt” in her hyphenated surname, the 18 year old placed a newspaper ad in the Los Angeles Times announcing her intentions to move forward with her new moniker.
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Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s Daughter Shiloh Takes Out AD to Drop “Pitt” Name | E! News
I think it's time for them to realize that money isn't worth anything especially in the end times that we're living they won't be able to even spend that money. The Bible clearly states this is the last generation and then it's over. Such foolish fighting over money. They need to learn how it is to be poor.
I hope the child support is also dropped and that mother can stop parading them like trophies.
That’s terrible, she is very foolish
Rich people problems.
Even the orphan?
Angelina did the same thing to her father. Wow crazy
So sad. What parents like this will never understand is that this only hurts the child. Shiloh was once very close to her father. Not acknowledging the side of her that is her father is so destructive. All the children one by one are going this direction – I imagine there is a lot of pressure within the family to follow in order to be accepted fully by the mother. Isn't this what Angelina did with her own father? Could it be she is projecting onto them?
Ya’ll are ridiculous lol.
A 10 second clip and you’ve got their whole lives figured out.
Anyone peep the screen in the back?
That is sad, these kids are so brainwashed by Jolie……she is the quintessential witch.
Ppl love the drama they drop it so what !! What the big deal.. she is adult she can do whatever she want .
If you want to know what kind of people Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are just compare their history of charitable work.
If Brad Pitt had ever just truly apologized and admitted what he had done it may not have come to this. But he chose his image over his family. Anyone who knows what abusive alcoholic men are like can see right through him. Angelina Jolie has done so much good, flying into active war zones to aid refugees, heading multiple charities to save children. She gets so much undeserved hate because that’s this misogynistic world but at least her children adore her.
I have an amazing story. One day I was driving home, when all of a sudden the Lord came to me in spirit. I felt very close to Him. I knew if I asked him to play any song on the radio he would, I guess to bless my faith.
So I said "ok, Lord play "Come as you are by Nirvana".
I turned on the radio and the song started playing right there on the spot, perfectly…
I started getting flooded with chills like a waterfall, crying, and trembling.
He stayed with me for 10 minutes in my driveway. until I got outta the car.
A couple months after that I started getting amazing prayers answered way more often, because it helped me quit doubting when I pray and I was lined up with biblical instructions. It's 6 years later and I still get answered prayers in Jesus name.
This is what most moms do now.. Typical
No matter what happens in a marriage you should never talk crap about your children's other parent. I'm sure all people disagree, but then again I was raised with manners and reapect.
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮garbage news of sick peopl
Sounds like she has some Daddy issues
When someone tries so hard to hurt someone else in the worst way possible, it makes you wonder about the purity and honesty of the aggressors
Misandry is the hate of men.
Brad's a good guy😢
And money
What a good mum she has ! Shocking…
jolie man has wrecked so many relationships in hollywood. she’s a master manipulator and brad fell for the trap
This is wrong imo. One's name has one's family history and yes, paternity too. It MATTERS whether one tries to erase reality away. My children's father disappeared on them, zero anything to do with them, but I didn't support them removing his name. It's still their blood. It's still their father. Ancestry matters.
We all need to wait for an interview with these kid's and their parents. Maybe or maybe not, but these kid's have a mind of their own. Angelina probably was against them dropping Pitt, but once kids experience certain situations, it sticks with them. Mr. Pitt should go see them face to face for an explanation 🤔
I surprised at these comments. She is 18. Kids know what is right and wrong for themselves. Kids pick the safe place to be in. It’s not often someone can manipulate kids. Brad Pitt could have manipulated them if that was the case and he did not. Why?
Kids always chose the safe place. Always.
Shiloh is doing exactly what her mom did. So we know who's influencing her. So sad for the children.
Isn't it too much…so heartless
It turns out Angelina Jolie is another toxic mother who brainwashed her children to drop their father‘s last name. Manipulate the children to hurt the ex way to go Skeletor. The years have not been kind to her looks and A bitter personality to boot. I don’t think he choked his kids, but kids can give you plenty of reasons to want to choke them sometimes, especially a couple little spoiled brats that think they’re special because their parents were famous, but sometimes the talent and looks, don’t necessarily get passed along as in this case.
Obviously her dad isn't around, he doesn't seem like a good father let's be honest.
Despicable act …. Silly girl thinks the world will approve .. there are millions of Fathers out there disgusted and offended by her immature childish public first steps into the Hollywood lime light … A name like that and she drags it through the mud … talk about ungrateful ……
Man she did a number on these kids. Idc if messed up, first off she got with a taken man lol but anyways making your kids feel the way you do about their dad is wrong. And to shiloh, girl idc how mad you wanna try to be at your dad he is always your dad and changing your name is just disrespectful not only to your dad but to your dads parents etc. Like what does that do for you??? Narcissist training her kids
Hey vivienne, where is Saddam Hussein.
Indeed vengeance belongs to the lord, Brad pitt the adulterer you reap what you sow.
It’s amazing to me how Angelina forgets the damage she’s done to other innocent people and how righteous she acts toward Brad’s mistakes.
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