Team USA CAN’T COPE! Caitlin Clark Less USA Basketball Squad CAN NOT SELL TICKETS against GERMANY! Attendance and Ratings are way down for the WNBA player led games.
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She’s got class unlike those players in Paris
Catlin doesn't belong at this Godless Olympics. WOKE U.S women belong there.
WNBA is used to not having fans in the stands to watch them so, I am sure they do not care. It's nothing new for them. Guess they want to keep it that way 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
Team WHO? Without CC there is no point in watching
How ‘pissed’ people are? Very pissed is an understatement. ]€£¥*^%#&@£¥%#[%#€¥+~_||{# is more like it. And no one can decode that, even me 😡😡😡
Go Germany!
Swoops! ❤❤ WNBA first to sign.
Coach Reeve, Minnesota and the Vikings.
The token for Valhalla is not for sale.
The haters got what they wanted, so did Down Stanley. They deserve it. NBC should pay CC to show up on court side and watch them play? Hahaha yes. People talk about the US women Olympic bb team, but the focus is why CC is not there. The hatters think they are popular now not because of CC. The reality shows just the opposite. CC is the box office and The WNBA needs CC.
It is what it is , some players/ entertainers just have the “IT” chip the way they perform, personality that draws fans. Just the way it is. Sponsors want to make money so they’re investing in the IT girl. HATERS, get over it!Besides all that she can ball with the best of them.
The fools can have it
Sucky ratings
Just wait until they pay all the 'fans' to watch the game.
Not only can't sell tickets, but has to say her name in the headline just to get people to read the article.
Not watching or keeping up with the so-called Olympics games.Its sickening and disgusting in my opinion,they got athletes swimming in sewage, and making fun of our Lord and Savior 😢😢. It's sad 😮😢. 😢 I'm sorry but it's just my opinion and the way I feel.😢
Caitlin Clark is not even in the story and yet she's still the story!!! That tells you she is a super duper uber superstar!!! She is the female Michael Jordan.
CC should leave the WNBA and play in Europe. That would be an F U to the WNBA. The WNBA would be happy with the attendance back down to 4,000 people a game and that is what they want. Also, she should NEVER play for the Olympics. She should just tell them that she isn't good enough when asked, just to piss them off.
If they were INCLUSIVE they would have the white girl with a ponytail breaking every record in the book on the team and there would be no problem selling tickets. Instead I really hope they lose and won't be watching. Go world.
Boycott the translympics
I don’t watch the Olympics at all. There’s no difference if it’s sold out or not. None of the players are getting paid. I don’t care about WNBA anyways.
🇺🇸 USA basketball 🏀 team ladies all that hate you all had on caitlin clark it was you all women hate an back bitten an bitter because you wouldn't put caitlin clark because oh don't ever forget caitlin clark has game you know you all worry about caitlin clark take the high roll rest caitlin clark rest 2 millions people will be watching caitlin clark an her teammates women's Olympics basketball 🏀 team nobody don't wanna see you period by snubbing caitlin clark get ready to put Bengal on your knees because caitlin clark going to run circles around you all
That's what 🇺🇸 getts for snubbing caitlin clark it backfire right in there face hahahaha
If they actually cared to be professional athletes, WNBA players would be or should be embarrassed at the fact that their salary, league operating bills, and all travel or promotion expenses are financed by the men in the NBA .They are not capable of drawing enough fans, selling enough tickets, merchandise or making a single dollar of a profit until now that a amazingly talented player like CC arrived. And if anyone that honestly supports the league before CC, that is awesome and respectable. But why is it ok to be dependent on money from successful athletes and leagues like the NBA to play? If I really cared, I would remind them with constructive criticism to let them know to work on it and fix it. By allowing them to demand equal pay to men in the NBA and demand private team charter flights without making money to pay for it is a slap in the face to NBA players that are forced to pay from their league profits. It is exactly like my EX WIFE spending hundreds of dollars a week on hobby materials to sell items with profiting maybe negative $500. Yet she proudly believed she owned her own business and she was a business owner and independent while I paid for her Hobby. Hobbies cost money. And WNBA players that make decisions that do not include their customers best wishes by treating the most popular WNBA player to ever live with hate, NEED to be reminded and embarrassed of them being spoiled hobby athletes that are content with men financing their BB hobby dreams. Sometimes brutally honest criticism that embarrasses us is needed to humble us and remind us that we are not the best thing since baked bread. Pay your own bills before you tell me your a professional in professional BB league yet rely on donations.
Anybody watching Germany vs USA are only there hoping to see Germany win. Even the Americans. 😂
Is the Olympics still going? It hasn't ended yet?
Caitlin Clark should start looking at her European descendants, and choose to play for one of their national team instead. That would be hilarious. And she'd sell out stadiums and merch all over Europe. Guaranteed. Never been as much interest In basket ball over here as there us right now
No sponsor ,no attendance, nobody gonna buy tickets and no fans watching,poor WNBA.poor Cheryl reeve😂😂😂
Hang on a minute. So the WNBA are using the excuse of low ticket sales for the U.S. v Germany fixture, being down to the venue being a 2 hour drive EAST of Paris? This is why us Europeans laugh at the U.S. lack of knowledge of geography. This LITERALLY puts the game 2 hours CLOSER to Germany and their fans. So surely that's a good thing🤔🤔😂😂. Oh, and the U.S. will win gold anyway. But it will be their least celebrated gold in U.S. sporting history. Idiots
You called it, B&W. 👍🏀
I will never watch a game tha Britney griner plays in ,or is at
Why do you have a tab talking about racism on your screen. Are black woman supporting CC o welcomed in your channel.
People will only watch if the product is good. Clearly its not interesting enough to draw people with CC.
This will undoubtedly go down as one of the worst marketing moves by the leadership of the WNBA in their history. And why did the NBA heads allow this foolish business financial travesty to exist in the first place!
There's a man on the team. I wouldn't watch even if Clark was there and you paid me to watch.
That usa woman& WNBA basketball for u they like to to play empty arenas there woke bs is to important and they know the nba will folk up to keep this bs league to continue to play there no guarantee that Cc can make it thou 28 there no guarantee
Side story Britney is thrilled Biden traded more terrorists toPutin
Taurasi stats Game 2 ZERO ZERO ZERO😊
Who wants to see Woke Woman Team USA? They Sucks!!
Race, gender and sexual preference has nothing to do with the Olympics. No joke.
This could've been WNBA's biggest promotion. As it is seen worldwide but they missed the chance. Nobody's watching.
It's also hard to sell tickets when many of the population in France aren't exactly French or believe in Western values. Clean that up, and I guarantee that numbers would be better.
Blessing in disguise for Caitlin, this Olympics is not good.
I am happy the USA women’s basketball team is failing. I blame their coach whose hubris and arrogance proves that their hate and jealousy has totally tanked potential viewers. Way to go Reeves .i haven’t watched any of their games . That’s a total shame.
I just tune in to see if they go #1 or #2 on the flag or maybe both! The WORST America has to offer!
Cc is the Roty
Go Germany!🇩🇪
They said they didn't care about viewers. Team USA & the WNBA doesn't care about the fans. The fans have slapped back.
Clark is going to play out her 3 year contract and the she's going to the Big 3 just watch
Too much HATE on that team! I'm glad she's not there. She would of been beaten down the whole time.
They couldn't sell any tickets in the regular season. I think at some point they will be served humble pie!
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