Deadpool & Wolverine is jam packed with cameos from the MCU but mostly the Fox Marvel Universe. You probably already know this seeings as they brought them all out on stage at comic con but regardless here we go through the best and worst including SPOILERS Chris Evans returning as Johnny Storm from the Fantastic Four, Wesley Snipes’ Blade, Dafne Keen as X-23/Laura Kinney, Jennifer Garner’s Electra from Daredevil 2003, Channing Tatum finally becomming Gambit, Henry Cavil becomming Wolverine and more. Thanks for watching!
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#Deadpool #Wolverine #XMen
Stick around until the end for a surprise cameo in this video. You'd better. Is cost me as much as this video will make
You forgot the most important cameo. "Why was thor crying?"
Probably other people pointed this out, but Headpool is from Marvel Zombies.
that's brown bro
Cavilverine was perfect, and he reloaded his arms before he hit dp.
Feige said that they wanted to keep X23 as a secret but Dafne Keen wanted to go to the world premiere so they put her in the trailer.
No joke this movie was heat from beginning to end. The huge comic nerd inside of me was sobbing towards the end. I also let out a loud “Lets go!” For the blade cameo, not my proudest moment
Love the list, pretty much agree across the board.
And it’s 100% the brown suit. 😅
Missed opportunity for deadpool blade sword fight
Edward Norton as Hulk would've been phenomenal lol. And Terrence Howard as Rhodey. So many possibilities, so little time.
For me the Channing Tatum Gambit cameo is S-tier. The fact that I never wanted there to be a solo Gambit movie let alone one starring him combined with the fact that I had completely forgotten that was ever going to be a thing until Tatum Gambit walked on screen, made me crack up in my theater while leaving the rest of the audience in confused silence. 🤣
Welshpool is my favourite cameo character ever
It's a shame Deadpool didn't call x-23 Lyra, guess his dark materials didn't break Canada
The costume Logan wore ( The yellow and brown ) was and homage to Todd McFarlane's famous cover with hulk reflecting in Wolvies claws. You can see the reflection of Ruffalo Hulk, from Ragnarok.
I thought Chris Evan’s was gonna be Nomad or some variation of a captain America without a country
That cameo was epic!! Best $500 they've spend.
Nicepool was my favorite.😅
That Cameo at the end is S+ tier!
Cannot forget Calverine
Yo you missed Susan Storm!!!
Had to double check, Toad was NOT Ray Park.
That’s the brown suit in the wolverine.
Thumbs up for your STUPID YOUTUBE VIDEO, James and Maso!
Thumbs up for your STUPID YOUTUBE VIDEO, James and Maso!
That’s clearly the brown suit
Worth noting that wasn’t Ray Park (and I’ve since updated the IMDb to have him removed). You’re welcome universe.
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