Movies to Video Games Review — Beetlejuice (NES)

Movies To Video Games Reviews
Review #59


Please Note: The movie, Bettlejuice came out in 1988, not 1998 as I say in the vocals. I have the right date for the intro screen for the Background and Plot intro but say the wrong date during the synopsis of the movie part of the review. To clear this up. Beetlejuice came out in 1988.

Beetlejuice for the Nintendo Entertainment System (in High Definition), is fully reviewed and analyzed as compared to the actual movie itself.

Please note: The movie came out in 1988 not 1998 as I mistakenly said. A note to show that has been added to the video.

Feel free to comment. More movies to video games reviews coming soon.. suggestions and feedback welcome and encouraged.

Just a reminder, keep attacks and flames off of here. I will remove either without warning. Please see my FAQ video for more on my policies about such things. I try to run a clean place. Take it to private if you have a problem with me or others. Thanks again!!

Final score and break down of score can be found below:

They are on a 0-10 scale with 10 being the best score possible:

Story Accuracy to the Movie 4.5 out of 10
(It relates in that it has some locations and the main house from the film. Even characters within said house. Even items that relate and even scares that relate to forms found on the ghots in the film. But there is no story at all. You do stages that don’t relate to anything like a sewer and fight a wizard and if you didn’t know it was a Beetlejuice game you would have no way of recognizing that this is supposed to be something out of the film. Very loosely based on it.)

Music Soundtrack Accuracy to the Movie’s 1.5 out of 10
(The game has differing songs on each stage which was the only cool aspect to me of the music. None of it matched up to Danny Elfman’s epic soundtrack. Too much of the music sounds like something out of generic action games and not the horror / comedic film that this was. Music deserved better than what we got.)

Game Difficulty 4.0 out of 10
(Its actually a very hard game. Mostly due to jumping and hit detection against enemies sending you flying or to your quick doom. Even fighting bosses are either very difficult or overly easy depending on how things go at the given time. And dealing with the overly long Stage 3 offshoot just slows this game down to a crawl as you have to try to avoid enemies that are hard to avoid and navigate through parts of the stage by doing tasks. A lot harder than I expected and way too hard to be fun for such a short game. )

Overall Fun 3.5 out of 10
(Low frills and rushed feeling. You are playing as Beetlejuice but you can’t kill anyone, you die easily and the controls need a lot of tweaking to be properly used. I just didn’t have fun playing it. Results may vary but for me it was definitely not an enjoyable experience dying often, working through weird worlds not related to the movie and constantly getting hit by enemies that are near impossible to avoid. I wanted to like this but I just didn’t. )

Final Score: 4.25



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@justintahair9119 July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
had this game asa kid and even rented the movie from my friends video store it sais connecicuit in the mobvie it was actually filmed in cornith vermont and as a vermonter it was cool to see the town where it was filmed
@ProMonarchyGenius July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
I played and won this game without cheat codes and yes this game is the best game that LJN has ever made. This is the only game where things like in order to move a cloud you have to get a skeleton to shoot a fireball at a beehive make sense. And the music from the first stage sounds exactly like Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram Song from a episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic called Party Of One and here is a video about it
@Movies2GamesReviews July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Please note: As many have noted the movie came out in 1988. Not 1998 as I mistakenly stated in the vocals of my review. Yes, I'm aware Beetlejuice came out in 1988.  You can see in my Background and Plot intro I clearly have the correct date but didn't say the correct one to start my movie synopsis portion of the review. By the time I realized it, it was too late to change the review and I put an annotation to note that. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Not the first mistake I made in a review, won't be the last. 
@spinella97 July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
do more videos man
@BigGeekEmpire July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
The graphics in this are awful. Even for an NES game.
@nicolaspajuelo July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Can you review wallace and gromit the curse of were rabbit
@enep3831 July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Movies to video games reviews is a great videos on youtube i want him to review is the lego movie
@sadibal July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Oh why have you made this disaster L J N !!!
My burning eyeees
anyway good review
@DAMGoodEntertainment July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
I think I'd like to mention something else in case nobody knows this. Beetlejuice wasn't the first Rare title to be published by big bad LJN, Rare also developed the Roger Rabbit and Nightmare On Elm Street games for the NES as well. And they also developed the Amazing Spider-Man game for the original Game Boy as well. Aside from LJN, Rare also worked with Gametek, Tradewest and Acclaim, who would later be LJN's parent company during the 90's.
@Luffymon88 July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
can you now review the goonies for the famicom
@Vebinz July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Another great review. My only (minor) disagreement is that I found the graphics/colors horrible.
@JPerez9011 July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Wasn't this game essentially based off of the cartoon as well?
@TheStampede_ July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
I love this channel because of your honesty, depth in information, and how you compare the movies to games. I wish episodes were released more frequently, though I understand you it may take a while to make great material such as these videos.
@benkalem July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
That wouldn't necessarily fit this channels concept. Movies to Video Games, not Cartoons to Games...
@RogersRoyal July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
That ending was awful. He bows and thanks everyone? What? Are they serious? Great review as always. I really enjoy your stuff. Don't listen to the nitpickers by the way. This is great stuff and keep em coming. Can't wait for the next. Glad I never played this one though : P.
@MyMelodyOfTheHeart July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
You forgot to mention that there was also a Game Boy adaptation of Beetlejuice as well. If I remember correctly, that game was based off of the cartoon rather than the movie.
@Doyledeth July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
God, LJN sucked so much!
@TheLastLineLive July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
0:35 1998. Wow, so the game was released 7 years before the movie? :P
@Highretrogamelord July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Yeah, you are right...but he still looks like Hitler imho.
@FSinWCR July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
No, it's supposed to be Otho from the movie.
@wariolandgoldpiramid July 27, 2024 - 5:22 am
Alice in wondrland (Walt Disney Movie + GBC Game), please

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