Angel Reese’s Basketball Trainer SHOCKING COMMENTS on Caitlin Clark CONFIRMS HATE from WNBA Players! Indiana Fever rookie has dominated attendance and ratings since entering the league from Iowa.
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CC is laughing all the way to the bank. She just wants to play ball. I think she is finding more respect among the players. Talent transcends race, orientation or anything else. There will always be those who are jealous. CC is a class player and person.
Bro yu get off on this shit dont you.. these is ridiculous..who's cares..talk about something im portant..so what if they dont like Cc.. whats it to you..
I can't believe how stupid these WNBA haters are. Taking cheap shots on Clark is the equivalent of killing the golden goose. If someone's presence lined my pockets with tons of cash, why would I want to end that unless I had a grudge against my wallet! I guess there's no intelligence test to enter the league; only a college degree for most.
I wish Clark would just retire and watch this league sink. She’d still be a millionaire without this joke of a league.
Y’all feeding the hate. Did the trainer say names
If the WNBA starts finding players then it will stop, because women like money and always want more not less!!
The difference between women and men is, men will push and throw a punch and going forward are buddies, women are jealous and it never ends and this happens all the time!
Stop the hate education should start in grammar school. ….and the media
CC is white, likes guys, and doesn’t know what clapping cheeks even means so the league hates her. This league is a joke, not even WWE quality! Is Vince McMahon working behind the scenes?
We know it's obvious to all….
I didn't GIVE A DAMN about the WNBA until Clark's arrival!
The asshole trainer can train Reese forever but she'll never be at the elevated level of Clark. Never!
She's hated because she's white, straight and great!
Reese's trainer is spreading the word… hmmm. So it's true then
Get to see clark rolling around the race track on sunday😂😂
They don't hate her…. It's jealousy and envy. They really hate themselves,mand are lashing out like spoiled babies.
I guess being at the top of her game will be lonely for her. These women need to grow up or is this the league woke culture they are pushing.
You rarely hear the Commissioner of the WNBA commenting or making rules about the treatment of Caitlin Clark.
She won a national chip at LSU and shes going to be the ROTY. Theres no reason to hate. Shes the female Magic Johnson.
Nobody hates her. Lol. U guys hate Angel. And we know why. But lets just say Angels the ROTY. Why would she be jealous. Lol. Race does play a role. U want it to be Caitlins face. But its not.
Other wnba players are just mad they have to get good
Naw y’all hate Reese , that’s why y’all mention her every chance you get . If Catliyn doesn’t need Reese , then only make catliyn videos .
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