Sports Fans CRUSH Cheryl Reeve after Caitlin Clark Sets WNBA Assist Record Over Team USA SNUB! Diana Taurasi is also getting dragged because of her hating toward the Indiana Fever Rookie.
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I’m watching Simone Biles and then changing the channel.
Lesbian over. C C
D T never played on a bad team only power house teams
I don’t don’t want Lesbians or drug addict or race haters on my American 🇺🇸 team
D T just stick to her woman
D T just stick to her woman
Clark will win the respect of the world 🌍
Let's see if that other channel still in denial with the Black Girls Rock shirt Reeve's was wearing SMH
The wnba is more problematic compared to the NBA 😮💨
Stats at 5:38 show MVP numbers.
HEY OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, you will lose fans watching the olympic basketball games without adding CC. What do you want your fans to do during the Olmpics? Watch! Womens Olympic BB rating will be the highest they will ever be in hx. I wonder why????
Nobody except the LGBTQ community give two shits about the Olympic team. Truth!
This show should be called……. Seriously
Not watching the 3 point contest tonight and DEFINITELY NOT WATCHING the Olympics and Reeves team. Hope they lose. Love your channel
CC ended the ROTY debate after that 24pts, 19assts, 6reb game!! That was the most entertaining wnba game I've seen! I wish she'd shoot more in the 4th qtr when it's close cause her teammates still suck
I'm not watching a second of the women's Olympic team!! I hope their ratings are at all time lows just so that coach looks like a hater! I hope all of y'all boycott it too!
When you mentuoned the NFL starting, I realized why there's a Caitlin vs Angel narrative for the ROTY. Think about it: if CC ran away with the ROTY from the start, by now mid-season it would be stale. People would still follow CC but with a sure ROTY, people won't be as invested. But with Angel placed as a contender, now rven after the break people would be watching because ROTY isn't decided yet, and people would want to tune in to find out how it goes. Now you're hooked. So there's a method to this madness by the WNBA. Seems they learned after all taking from the playbook of the WWE to have a heel vs babyface narrative to keep people invested.
Really? I haven’t heard a thing about it except for a few CC fans. Crush. lol. You’re such a Noob.
I would have watched Women's Olympic team games if Caitlin had been chosen to be on that team.
I WILL NOT WATCH the Olympics this Summer!!!! I might watch Youtube highlights. 😉
While I'd love to see Caitlin in the Olympics, I think it's better for both. The Olympic team can fail without her and not blame it on her and Caitlin can get some rest before the second half of the season. She hasn't had that all year. She came straight from college to the WNBA. I hope that, with the rest from two weeks off, we'll see CC do even more.
Caitlin doesn’t even want to give the fans a 3pt contest to help grow the game. She said she’s tired. But yall are going hard for her to get on the Olympic squad? 😂
Caitlin has
1 triple double
9 double doubles
Based on NBA picks, I should be in the globetrotters.
Most Women are horrible. Guarantee if it fails they blame men.
As CC has said, as much as she loves to play basketball, it’s a job. She seems to have opted out of the skills contest tonight. If I was a broadcast network or the WNBA I would consider offering her $25,000.00 to play or offer the same amount payable to her foundation as she really isn’t hurting for money. It would be easily recoverable through viewership attendance. I know people are going to opine about how unfair that is because everyone gets a trophy or it’s racist or some kind of phobic but the other women are not Caitlin Clark! It’s as simple as that and this is a business decision! I personally will pass on it tonight but will watch the All-Star game because of CC and the other two Indiana Fever players. Go All-Stars!
Does anyone remember when Jordan was dissed by a lot of players when he was a rookie? He went on and made the NBA a global juggernaut. Just saying.
Distracted from getting merchandise, money and attention to all the women that play the sport. You know how it is when your private life is disgusting, vial and orgy filled parties, well I guess you don't want to all that attraction to yourselves. It's there secret place to control and manipulate, Catlin doesn't want to be apart of that so getting blackballed is at least the immediate future.
I do not know why people are so surprised about , The GOAT of collage basketball., man and woman. that symple. this is what Ms, CLark is all about.
Like I've been saying if CC was black and a lesbian she would be on this Olympic team!!!!!!
The "Veterans" don't want Caitlin on Team U.S.A. because they can't keep up with her & she will make them look bad even playing alongside them. Clark & Angel Reese should both be on Team U.S.A simply because of the story that could be told.
Catliyn the stat padder. Y’all blind now. Game decided and still trying make assists.
DEI hires. The “E” stands for Entitled. Everything woke, turns to Sh!t. 😂
Well let's face it WNBA ain't use to having eyes on them. They probably can't deal with big crowds social anxiety
Caitlin Clark is the President Donald Trump of Basketball. She wants to Make Basketball Great Again, but the league is full of snipers trying to take her out.
There's a Woman's National Basketball team?
This must be new! 😂
The WNBA needs to set dress codes for these coaches. Cheryl Reeves looks like a homeless person
Reeves is a DEI affirmative action puppet.
One of these players should bow out and offer the spot to Clark. Winning and ratings are better than pride.
She broke the assist record and a quarter of the season, that’s just laughable
Can ypu imagine if the NBA was 90% gay.
Where is DEI in sports. Mostly black lesbians. Answer that. Haven't missed a CC game yet. Never watched a WNBA game before. She's awesome. Wow talk about racism.
Clark is one the best players in wnba, best guard for sure.
Dumpster Trash FEVERISHLY burning: a few more endorsements and some financial help from established NBA players and CCC-22 may have the means to purchase a WNBA team franchise, move to a favorable market like Iowa, and build a team around her complete with a real head coach and GM. BIG MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES!!!!
If Caitlin started her own league it would get more rating than that trash wnba!
Caitlin had 1 assists that wasn’t counted because Sides called a time out
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