Earlier this week, I challenged myself to try and remake Fyrestone from Borderlands 1 inside of Unreal Engine 5, the tool which many are suspecting Borderlands 4 will run on. How did it turn out though? Find out in this video!
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What sort of dark necromacing is this?! 😅
Seriously, impressive.
Most impressive.
I need you to make this for me
How i can access to this asset model ?
Welcome to Fyrestone!!
Awesome! I love B1 ❤️
I would recommend to recreate the whole of Three Horns, either one map, Valley or Divide, or combine them. Or perhaps the Highlands?
Looks like apex legends a bit
amazing job, this can be an unofficial preview or first look to a Borderlands 4 or a remake/remastered of the 2009 game, looks so good!
Men,i played borderlands 1 in 2022 after bdls 2 and 3,and i felt very desapointed,i hope we can get a full remake,your work is just great,i like the colours adds and the detailing
If you can make a part of the map From borderlands
then I think you can make a map from overwatch Because I am just curious how it would look if you did one try to remake One of the Maps
the biggest scariest enemy in all of modern gaming is not a dragon, not an unded, not a giant spider or a bear, it is the almighty terrifying GRASS and foliage, the killer of CPU's the burner of GPU's 🤣🤣🤣
This looks amazing. Since you did 1 already, I'll give some places from 2 and TPS. Don't want you to spend too much time so I'll go with smaller places. I would say the safe areas with no enemies like Sanctuary and New haven. Since Sanctuary is in the sky, let's see what happened to Sanctuary Hole. For TPS, how about concordia?
Some places I think would look cool:
Old Haven – BL1
The Rust Commons East and West – BL1
The Vault – BL1
Tundra Express – BL2
The Highlands – BL2 (I know it's a huge map)
Lynchwood – BL2
Opportunity – BL2 (I would love to see what was done with it after Jack died)
Holy shit, I always wanted to see places from 1, 2, and TPS in the style of 3
Great job!
Aww man…
Blender has a flow mapping now or Node mapping.
this title is so misleading. not a remake. you are just modeling a scene and you are doing a reimagining. so literally lying in your video. im reporting this
I have a simple solution for you my gamer
For the TK Baha's place
If you want people to be able to explore this map as a playable experience, or just to make a video of you walking thru it
You can hide a bunker under the ground and make it so that if people open the door
They get teleported inside the bunker via a teleporter device
Also optionally, you could place down gaurd devices with guards that are retextured as the fortnite Borderlands psyco skin
Then place gaurd devices where COV would spawn
Then the map becomes a fun little game to run around in and kill COV
You could even retexture wolves into skags
And maybe raptors into the Dino things I forgot the name of
Truly impressive stuff. Great job all.
looks quite interesting
Great Job on Borderlands Map, but this reminds of why Fallout New Vegas is Favorite, the whole Sci-Fi Wrecked Western Feel ..
I'm sure it's already in the works
Isn't that Fyrestone from Borderlands 2 though?
First release Borderlands
October 20, 2009
But… but… Nine Toes also has 3 balls
CAN YOU PLEASE REMAKE Phantom Dust the same way? PLS PLS PLS
Am I alone thinking that the further the tech goes, the more it looses it charm? Bl2 for me was peak astethics and went downhill from there.
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