USA Olympics Official SHOCKING Comments on Caitlin Clark Team USA Basketball SNUB! | WNBA |
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Stop talking logically. You are going to hurt women's feelings.
Caitlin didn't make the team because of Dei
Because of Clark I have been interested in watching her and her team only I will not be watching the WNBA in the Olympics and NBC should be suing because they are going to lose Millions that they should have recovered from airing this sport
This means in the future to come that there are no rookies on the Olympic team because no one is good enough nor ever will be
It’s not team USA, it’s mostly team anti American lesbian activists!! Not support nor watch women’s Olympic team!! 😱😱😱
It seems as lot of ppl are boycotting the Dnba including me, we should boycott there soccer. They are spying the dyke. Crap because they want an all lazy team and a straight Christian is being bullied. We need to break all these teams.
Well, at least she is a real female. Not fake, but real. So I can't support the team. Matter of fact I'm giving up on the entire Olympics games.
You have a nice mouth.
I’m already sickened by the lesbians basketball league and not supporting it. It’s sad but my daughter is already asking why they treat Clark so badly
This team is going to be hated like the usa soccer team and hopefully loose.
hhhh… I'm just not interested to watch this year's Olympics Women's basketball. I'm not intrigued.
Thanks black an white sports for that statement 👍 they put Diana dinosaur 🦕 CC should be on that Olympics
Too late to add her and get all the BS from all the current Diva's. The black wnba doesn't not want a petty white girl, true fact!
Women's basketball, which was on shaky ground at best anyway, has done a marvelous job of destroying itself with everything that's happened around Clark this year. The WNBA players have generally shown themselves to be petty, spiteful, violent and above all completely unprofessional. The Fever has shown itself unable to protect its most valuable player. The League has shown itself incapable of regulating the players' and teams' conduct. The Olympics snub was unwarranted and a disgraceful capitulation to arrogance and "pride." Does anyone seriously think that Griner and Taurasi are a better pick for the team than Clark? The only reason to include them over Clark is to give them the chance for another gold medal. Period.
You're paying racism and stupidites of you're basket's medias and black power.. It's perrhaps time to boycott all the problematics chanels and persons and perrhaps sue them, no?
It's good for my French beautiful team endeed. Thanks for all 😂.🇨🇵
I'm not really laughing because it's really sad and disrespected. But it's the same problem with Europeans players and all what you accepted medias, old players, etc.., sayed about them, and now you're realised because it concerned Caitlin. 😢.
All my sympathy to Caitlin ❤ because it's a shame for her, but for international basket fans all over the World and US too. 😢
But is it normal than a Chanel would choice the athletes ? This problem is perrhaps the most important in this situation.. I've never seen that.. 😮😡
Caitlin is perrhaps not ready to play in such a team, with such persons, who has there habits and playing systems?
And it's probably better for her, to wait to play in a new rebuilded team, with new young girls.
I'm cheering for the other teams to beat women's team USA like everyone else!😂😂😂
The Virtue Signaling Bigotry mob will never be ready for CC.
Leave it to women to completely sabotage each other. Every man was screaming for CC to be on the Olympic team.
CC isn't on the team because she doesn't check all the woke/DEI boxes
How is someone that got arrested for drug trafficking and makes it on to the team USA it’s a sad day for us
CC got a month to work out and rest to kick ass better when they get back from break…
All the insecure angry jealous lesbians are afraid straight girls are taking over with their fans!! 😂😂😂
Won't be watching
Caitlin is not the best in the league at what she does she is ranked 65 out of 67. tTe Olympics is for the best at what they do. All y'all did was stop the Olympics for choosing the best in the league at what she is good at. Angle Reese Reese is ranked number 1
Of course, we will not be watching the Olympics….. the reason they hate CC is because she’s white and not a homosexual.
I don’t want her there with these toxic people.
Change the decision…..put CC on the team
Caitlin is not ready….
This is why ENVY is one of the seven deadly sins.
If I were NBC CEO, I would instruct to not air any live game of this team. I would provide a recorded transmission at 3:00 am
This is getting out of hand I’m so over women’s basketball WNBA and Olympic basketball. I gave it a chance and they disappointed me and a lot of fans.
That squad is 100% lesbian. They don't represent U S Women. They represent the Greek island of Lesbos.
Also, they are mad because they couldn't turn Caitlan lesbian.
The woke people (I won't say girls) in the wnba didn't want Caitlyn on the team – because – they KNEW that Caitlyn would be the STAR of the entire Olympics. That would drive them bat-crazy-er (I think they are already bat-crazy).
The CCA (Caitlin Clark Association) had a very competitive game today between the Fever and Sky. I’ve never watched a female basketball game before and this one was a rough watch.
I had different expectations not knowing exactly how they play but going forward I can adjust my expectations and still enjoy. TBH I think the big issues I had was with the coaching
and that was from both sides but more so from Fever coach. She really needs to utilize her weapons more and set them up for success. Fever are doing as good as they are because of these young ladies peer talent. Imagine if you had some good coaching to back it up.
I would watch the women in the Olympics if CC was on the team, I’m damn sure not watching without her. I have no interest in Bob Griner or the rest of the butch crowd
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