Home games MANU Video Game Maker | The role of animations in our engine and features

MANU Video Game Maker | The role of animations in our engine and features

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Manu is a no-coding game engine, where instead of code, you can use animation to create games in different genres. Our concept is that anything that can be changed can be animated. All dynamics in games are created with animation and in our case – animation works instead of coding. That’s why we would like to talk more about how this functionality works in our engine.

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@RICHARDCLARKNINJA July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Hello I have a BIG question… I just tried saving a game and it seems I cannot play my own pc game as a stand alone .exe game without it somehow going through a launcher thing?????? I mean if I am nto online or if I am not playing it on the web etc does it mean I cannot use Manu to just save the .exe pc game and play it offline??????????????????????? I deleted my whole game and also Manu but I would like to download Manu again if i can make games and keep them as stand alone .exe games for pc not just online through some launcher thing….. i love the software and have spent HALF of my holiday studying it…… for what though?? Even if i can play my games online through the manu servers etc etc, then what happens 5 or ten years down the line if the site gets taken down….. unforseeable things etc…..i just want to have my games on my computer FOREVER

@m3rl1on July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

i've never head of animation-based logic before. interesting! i have been playing with it for a few minutes, and still learning the workflow of the engine.
how can i create a FPS / mouse look system in my game?

@AloanMoreira1 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

the background music is too loud and so it is difficult to pay attention to what you´re saying D:

@louishancock8154 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

😥 promosm

@Silentpartner2176 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

"You don't need to know programming or advanced mathematics, you just need to know animation, which is the same as programming and advanced mathematics." WE DON'T WANT TO USE MATH PERIOD, JUST POINT AND CLICK, DRAG AND DROP! Why can't anyone make an engine that truly uses no logic or programming skills??? Nintendo did it with Mario Maker, now just make a whole engine like that!!!!!!!!!!

@lucacontino8218 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

When will a final version come out? And will it have a single price or will it be subscription-based? Because I don't want to pay a subscription…

I saw that you are implementing publishing on iOS and Android, will it be possible to publish on steam as well?

Thank you for your work!

@BerryWaffle334 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Realmente se ve como un buen engine, seguramente en algún futuro sea bastante utilizado por desarrolladores. No sabía la existencia de este engine hasta hace poco, pero me ha sorprendido lo bastante intuitivo que es. Mi recomendación es que hagan el engine más friendly para computadoras de gama media/baja. Porque me parece algo excesivo que pida 8 GB de ram en los requisitos. También no estoy seguro si sea totalmente conveniente que todo funcione con animaciones, porque llegará un punto donde quieras implementar mecánicas más complicadas, o que directamente no estén pre-fabricadas. En ese caso deberían añadir una forma en la que se pueda utilizar visual scripting para añadir lo que quieras en el juego, y así complementar lo demás. Pero para ser un engine relativamente nuevo, lo han hecho bastante bien.

@dgsstan July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Would it be possible to create bejeweled type games or card games like solitaire?

@welcome2mytruth July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Looks awesome. Whens it all dropping? So looking forward to mobile export and gonna make some exciting content to support you guys

@TheVerysexytim July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

I’m so excited for this release!

@Ronyal July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Manu se está transformando poco a poco en una obra de arte. Tienen todo mi apoyo para continuar el desarrollo de Manu. Espero que pronto tengamos la versión de pago de Manu con todo lo necesario para desarrollar videojuegos para diferentes plataformas como Windows, Android y IOS. Les deseo un feliz fin de año a todo el equipo de desarrollo del motor Manu, y un próspero y bendecido año 2023. Mucho ánimo. Saludos.

@MZONE3D July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

Nice to see you back! Making levels is all good but how about things like UI HUD and systems like questing, saving etc

@judasthepious1499 July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

wow it's been a while since you guys upload new video

@MANUVideoGameMaker July 2, 2024 - 3:09 pm

We showed Market Place for the first time today. What do you think of the design? 😍

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