Movies To Video Games Reviews
Review #36
This is a Fan “Heavily Requested” Review
Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 (In High Definition), is fully reviewed and analyzed as compared to the actual movie itself.
Reuploaded with minor changes made:
-Movie and Video Game logo in opening and closing title screens made smaller to fit into widescreen format better
-Some sounds made louder or softer to flow better
-Made to fill whole screen now for proper 16:9 format (Just liked how it looked better this way)
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Note: This game is being remade for the Nintendo Wii system and Nintendo DS by Activision in late 2010. While that game is based on Goldeneye film as well it will not be reviewed by me due to it’s being more of a remake of this particular game and retconned to fit in with Daniel Craig portrayed Bond of today as if it took place in the current Bond universe and not back in 1995 like previously. It is more of a remake and re-envisioning of a game more than being based on said film. So for those reasons it will not be reviewed by me. (Played by me yes, reviewed no.)
Final score and break down of score can be found below:
They are on a 0-10 scale with 10 being the best score possible:
Story Accuracy to the Movie: 8.5 out of 10
(Stays very true to the story of the film this is based on. Follows the story along chronologically from location to location that Bond visited in the film itself. Takes a few deviations to stretch out moments further in some points and also adds some stages that were no where found in film. Puts James in situations that he of course wasn’t in but still has a way of us following the story along by his being there anyway. It worked but of course is far from perfect to the movies story but you will definitely feel like you are reliving the movie either way as you play this. )
Music Soundtrack to the Movies 9.5 out of 10
(Its the James Bond theme. This is a James Bond game. Pretty accurate sounding to me. Only missing the Goldeneye theme song from the film itself. Besides that it is just great)
Game Difficulty 10 out of 10
(Now this is how it should be. 3 difficulty levels to choose how hard an adventure you want to experience meaning all types of players can play this no matter how much of a pro or new to games they are. Fit for all ages which is how a good movie based game should be. Extra 007 difficulty allows you to fine tune the game even more after you beat it on every difficulty. There are moments where things get really hard and moments that they are overly easy. This has it all and the ability to select how rough an experience you want. Just perfect how it was done in this game)
Overall Fun 10 out of 10
(You want fun!? This is is right here. This game is the example of what fun in a movie based game is. Taking on the role of James Bond in a first person view was never so much fun as this game makes it out to be. This game will be played again and played often and looked to as the mark that most games should try to reach. Fun? Yes this game is FUN! and then some.)
Final Score : 10.0
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