Playstation 5 has ALL the free to play games you already love and today I talk about how my top 5 free games on PS5 run! It has been really nice to see that most of these games can now run at a BEAUTIFUL 4K 60FPS on Playstaion 5 with minimal performance issues. Free to play games are here to stay and it seems like PS5 will be an excellent home for you to play these games with your friends no matter what platform they play on thanks to crossplay being available for all the games we spoke about today!
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0:00 Intro
1:04 COD Warzone
2:42 Fortnite
4:07 Apex Legends
5:09 Rocket League
6:25 Rogue Company
7:53 Outro
Me: oh what’s that PC and monitor doing behind you
Whole video u just talked about fps fps fps...
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